ARS Literati $10,000 Challenge

From: Arnie Lerma <> <>
Subject: Re: ATTN a.r.s. literati entrants -- permission to publish
Date: 30 Sep 1999 23:17:13 -0700
Message-ID: <7t1jl9$>

In article <7t14fu$rbg$>, says...

>Dear Stacy:
>I hereby give you permission to publish my ARS Literati essay in your book.
>You may do some minor editing. However, if you would like, I would be
>willing to re-edit it myself to polish it up and remove some things which I
>felt were likely of interest to ARS readers, but would probably not be
>generally understood by $cientologists currently.
>I am also forwarding to you separately the first three of my "I DREAM OF
>LISA" series. If you would like, I can CC you further essays as they are
>Best Wishes,

Yes I want more people to read mine too Please publish, Id like to you use the charts, I need to edit them. And I have a cartoon Id like you to use. here is aletter I got today, its private mail, but is redacted to keep it anonymous

When I first joined Scientology in the 60's I wanted to do research I remember standing in front of the glorious org board, in the hallway at FCDC at 1812 19th Street, AD 2 6296 [phone number] and wanting to do that. I never knew Id be researching the Art of Deception.

Dear Arnie,

I just read the Art of Deception...I can't begin to tell you what I think. It puts words to my deepest feelings, I am so grateful to you for all you have been through and seen through. I have been out nearly [deleted] now, and am still unpeeling layers of the deception, as are others I know who were caught in the web. A couple years ago my great cognition was to realize what a perfect scam scn takes years to even realize you were screwed, and by then it is way past the statute of limitations, also the methods by which you were spiritually raped are so hard to believe you are better off keeping your mouth shut and getting on with your life. However, the intensity and (false) promises of scn create a bond that is seldom approached in "real life." Thank you for your article, and your years of standing up for the truth at great expense to yourself. I will be in touch. You have inspired me.

Thank You, [deleted]

Arnaldo Lerma