LMT Literati Challenge, Year 2000

From: Bob Minton <bobminton@lisatrust.net>
Subject: LMT Literati Contest Entry - by "Freeloader"
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 22:15:40 -0500
Organization: Lisa McPherson Trust, 33 N. Fort Harrison Ave., Clearwater, FL 33755 Tel: (727) 467-9335
Message-ID: <pmkt3to5ecf33os6prsld2u1f9e9r33eph@4ax.com>

The formatting on this message results from it having been submitted as a word document as opposed to the text requirement of the LMT Literati Contest.


Copyright © 2000 by "Freeloader"

My goal: to view scientology as it is but you take a look too "Scientology: Control, Freedom & Responsibility."


Scientology Controls by use of the same techniques that have been employed sense the beginning of time. LRH did not originate them. He took a new look, to see how power was used in political and religious ways to increase market share of the area behind our eyes. In a way we have no real new tech. We have the research of a person who knew how to research for his own intellectual insatiable curiosity. In one HCOB he could bring together data from many other sources in a way that it could be understood, applied and a valuable final products created. He never attributed any other source as the origination point. The reason is contained in the axioms #11 alter-is-ness is the consideration which introduces change and therefore time and persistence, into an As-Is-Ness to obtain persistency. Also # 36 A lie is a second postulate, statement or condition to mask a primary postulate which is permitted to remain. L Ron Hubbard wanted Scientology to persist and remain on the face of this planet for a very long time. He created into the very fabric of the subject the elements of survival.

Briefly about myself. I have been on Solo NOTS for 15 years. I have audited over 14,000 hours of solo auditing. Over 3,000 on OT3. I am a senior class 4 Auditor FEBC Grad. About 2,000 hours on the lower bridge. I enjoyed my training at FCDC and later at ASHO and AOLA. I search my memory to find major upsets but can't come up with any. I was once approached in Wash DC to join the GO but could not tear myself away from my Co-Audit. The people I encountered were good decent people. Much more dedicated than me. I was always looking out for number one. I know I missed out on many adventures on the third dynamic but always self-preservation was my objective. It may appear that I am bragging about the depth of my exploration into to Solo materials but that is not so. The a line from of the Tao state the surface and the core of reality are made of the same substance, you may want to dig deep or simple reach the short distance below your feet. This data exist but is it therapeutic or helpful to dwell on it, for 15 years?

One reason to step out side was when I was approached to do admin for the Commodore Messenger Org. I was so greedy those days. Here was an org that would hire me for 15$ an hour and all I had to do was folder admin. Nice deal for me. I received my first assignment opened the folder and read the needed and wanted. What they wanted me to do was cull the folder for bad sexual stinky finger things that the person did. I asked the young person was there some new rundown to handle such activities. She looked at me like I was demented and said no, the person was a security risk, which had to be dealt with. Well what the hell. Had I not committed to memory the auditor's code, which talked about never using the data a PC divulged in session for personal gain? Even the great sum of 15$ an hour? Well I never did complete that assignment. I will say here and now I have never betrayed a confidence from a fellow Scientologist. I would also say that there are many like me who would never under any circumstance betray the auditor's code. I it is to these that I make my reach. It is to you who I want to extend my reach.

Another reason to escape was I'm cheap and given was given this choice. You must pay for a sec check every 6 months because we are so fucked up that we are creating enemies right and left. You may not be an enemy today but what about tomorrow? So our solution is to make you pay for what you do not need. We will withhold the command OK Continue to the activity that you have been doing for years with out trouble. You must pretend that you need us, to do what you do with out effort or trouble. Will you agree to this absurdity in spit of your grade auditing which taught you to as-is problems, spot overts of others ect. I got tired of a group saying were making you a Super Being who can only be trumped by any sorry excuse for a thetan who has nowhere else to go and joins staff. Are we mice of men?

I have a General Contractors License, a Real Estate Brokers License and am an Attorney. I never attended a laws school and still I passed on my first attempt at the bar. It has been 8 years sense I have been in an organization. (That sounds like a catholic confessional Bless me father for it's been 36 years sense my last confessional) I received a very few phone calls to return to base camp and that is all. I have never applied a doubt formula never wrote up my overts, never asked to return to the group. This may be why I have not been troubled by the Group. There is no file where I committed spiritual suicide and by my own hand wrote of my past in a negative way. Maybe because I gave a description of OT3 incident to my dianetics Auditor, during the lower bridge services. Also to this groups credit the reason for no hassles might be that they do leave you along if you leave them along.

Enough about me. Ron found a needed commodity and supplied it. The world did not know it need this service and still does not. There is something very exciting in the beginning when expectations are high as to what will it be like to be OT. The desire to improve one self carries you along. There is so much to be done, so many steps along the way. In the old days, I started in 1973 there was a congeniality about the subject. Friendly faces having their realizations and becoming better. Now I'm not giving you a company line here.

We knew deep down that Ron was there for us. For an outsider this may come across as naive and trite but when a new document came down it was from the Source. From Olympics to our in baskets. What joy. Ron existed in the world somewhere and he was researching tech for us. We could write to him and sure enough we would get a letter back with some inspirational idea and a direction to apply the tech. Of course when being nice didn't raise the statistics other methods were used.

The game is control of reality itself by any means available, Force being just one. Flattery is use, Insults are used, Begging, Cajoling, Getting someone to take full responsibility for the very existence of Scientology itself, Getting someone to take less responsibility for self and family, Bribery, Any ploy. Also any valid, justifiable, well thought out laudable idea will do. There is no conscious intention to be evil just a vacuous agreement to follow orders, follow policy and make it go right. These methods There is no right or wrong. "Axiom 31. Goodness and badness, beautiful and ugliness, are alike considerations and have no other basis than opinion."

The end justifies the means.

The means justifies the end.

You can arrange your considerations to fit any objective.

You can have your objective conform to your considerations.

Once Clear your mind is putty in you hands.

Or like Don Henley of the eagles said:

Because there is no wrong, there is no right
No shame, No solutions
No remorse, No retribution
Just opportunity to participate in the pathetic little circus

"The Garden of Allah"

Scientology controls by employing what has worked in the past for others. Hubbard had a view of history that was more expansive than is traditional. He looked behind the history books realizing that they were often inaccurate and one sided. He looked to his past life experiences to base his decisions on how he would act in life and how he would stamp his name into history. He was a driven man.

What has Worked For Others?

This is the nature of reality bending, propaganda, spin doctoring. The world as it exists is the thesis. The something new is the anti thesis. And the result is the synthesis.

The planet is crumbling. We are here to save it. The world shall be clear.

It happens on the schoolyard. A game is being played. A new person come and tries to change the game from cops and robbers to Indians a cavalry. If the change occurs it becomes a synthesis of something new.

It is occurring constantly. At times there are two forces that want mutually exclusive synthesis / goals. In Ireland the Catholics and the Protestants. Turf war in Europe, so many dead bodies, so much savagery so many lost lives.

Maybe to a much lesser extent in Clear water between the Scientologist and LM Trust? We know that the Scientologists are determined to succeed. But will the LM Trust be able to hold the mirror to the snarling face of the org long enough for the org to gaze into its own reflection? There seems to me to be more at stake here than the life of one poor girl.

In all of Hubbard's writing this technique of stating his wishful thinking as to how he wanted it to be, his postulated reality of events some of which only happened in his mind but are faithfully related as though it were gospel is employed. It is the gospel of Scientology. Every day in every way I'm getting clearer and clearer.

Hubbard wanted to do his will. He wanted all the Sea Org To Do his will. He wanted all of Staff and public to do this will. If someone did not have an admin scale aligned to his or worse had their own goals the tech was to be applied to achieve the end product of a person producing Hubbard products and abandoning all self-interest.


I am a fan of both Crowley and Hubbard. I can separate out the insanity of both individuals and do not feel I have to embrace what is ignoble and devious to embrace the noble and truth each could express. Both were big brilliant and quite mad too. I need to say a few things about Crowley. "For Crowley, life was now one long, painful and humiliating decline. In 1945, a writer visited him at his last home, a boarding house near the respectable seaside resort of Hastings. Crowley was a shadow of his former self, though he managed to greet his visitor with a wheezy, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." "These long, lonely evening's," he complained. "They are so I boring." Two years later the Beast was dead. He was 72. His last words were, I am perplexed . . . ". In fact, he had written his own epitaph years earlier, when, as an undergraduate, he had his first glimpse of the black cavern that was to be his future. "God and Satan fought for my soul for many hours," he said. "God conquered. Now I have only one doubt left. Which of the two was God?" from a Hearst new paper.

Was that writer L. Ron Hubbard?

We have all heard Hubbard call Ale Crowley my dear friend.

In Scientology we have what is called a hat turn over. That may be what happened here. If it was there is danger here for Scientology. Crowley was an odd ball to say the least. If he didn't like you he would take a dump on your rug. That's what Colin Wilson said in his book "The Nature of the Beast". And someone would have to say did you let the Crowley into the house again, well you have to clean it up. While were on the subject I am told that Kellogs carried a sample so when he met someone he could show it and prove how regular he was and suggest the superior form. Unusual behavior? Yes it was. I would not consider either as a thing to do. It just would not occur to me. I guess that all minds have a little or a lot of strange ideas. And when these minds decide to write some of these ideas down they take you where you have not been before. These individuals were not restricted by what people wanted them to do.

If there was a hat turn over maybe the memories of Crowley were subsumed by Hubbard. Crowley who was a world traveler, mountain climber and all round adventurers. His travels to North Africa, China, Ceylon and Mexico are documented in Israel Regardie's book " The Eye in the Triangle". Hubbard was cause over his past. He knew that all great events in history were held in place by a lie. I am not saying that this is universally true but I am not saying it is wrong. I suggest a big lie below, forgive me.

A Brief History of Christianity

There is no such thing as self-denial. Self-denial is merely the self-indulgence of self-denying people. There is an old, old story of an old, old woman, very benighted, who had not heard of Christianity till the Scripture reader came and read her the story of the Crucifixion, at which she wept copiously; but she soon dried her tears, remarking, 'After all, it was 'is 'obby.' By Crowley

There should be no grieving for the crucified savior because if the act had not taken place there would be no religion, there was a trade off. All Christian view all life though the Christ prism. You are lost or you are saved. That's it end of story. If you question the Bible you are doing Satan's work. But is it not a divine right to question authority? Any enlightenment comes from the serpent Lucifer. Dylan said: "You got to serve somebody, it may be the devil or it may be the lord, but you got to serve somebody."

But look deeper into the history of religion.

The Christians came from the Hebrew.

The Hebrew came from Egyptians and other Ancient Semitic Races/Religions. Which came from the Samarians.

And to the Christians and Jews that wraps up the whole tradition and history.

You have your old and new testament. All else is heretical and pity the dammed poor soul who reads the forbidden books. We play both kinds of music here, country and western.

But there were earlier religions than even these. Remember in the Book/Movie " In the Name of the Rose" If you give the church one chicken you will get two in heaven, quid pro quo, the contract is struck. Do you believe that? Be careful because I'm after you soul. If a priest told you about the chicken exchange would you dare question authority? The whole of our western world has been progressively enlightened by use of Thesis, Anti thesis, and Synthesis. This is just a model and can be defeated by a stronger Anti thesis. Many lesions learned, many more to come. We teach in parables.

The sun above our heads to the ancients was the sun of god representing everlasting life on earth not personally but as a species. As long as the sun rose there would be life on earth. The sun feeds all things big and small. The sun was giving up its life to feed the grass and frog, the tree and skunk and your Christian and Hebrew fathers.

>From astronomy we create a sundial. The face is divided into 12 parts called
zodiacs. Jesus had 12 disciples. When looking at the sundial the ancients would note that in winter the sun went south. Winter represents death. The leaves fall, snow comes and the world becomes stiller. When the sun reaches the farthest it goes it stops for 3 days on December 25. The returns bring life renewed. The Sun of God is dead for 3 days and is resurrected, brought back to life. The sun of god dies on a cross of the zodiac. The world receives its salvation because the sun has risen. There were 12 apostles or Gods helpers because that how time was divided up. A workable system dividing time into 12 months, 12 hours of day and 12 hours for night. At sunset the sun does walk on the water. A crown of thorns can be seen when the sun sets on the water and all you see is the sunrays.

Can you imagine this type if information during the inquisition? For those of you who complain about the death of an innocent girl, and rightfully so, should go to an implements and equipment book and take a glimpse of these apparatuses used by the Catholic Dominicans. The rack, the iron shoe, the stake seat and the pear, which could be used on men and women. Any way I digress from my digression but in the act of condemnation of the evils of Scientology one should have some view of historic proportions. You may be predicating a distaste for the conduct of some staff on a never again basis like when the survivor of the holocaust says never again. Good enough. Amen to that. The definition of that word is " used at the end of a prayer or a statement to express approval." The American Heritage goes back only so far and attributes to word's derivation to the Hebrew amen. The ruler of Egypt way back there changes the rules of religion forever. He was Agnotom and he discontinues the many gods and settles on the one true God, Amen Ra. This is where the word sunray comes from. The Egyptians said Amen in their rituals too. When you look at the back of the dollar bill you see the pyramid, separates corner stone and the all Seeing Eye, the eye of Amen Ra. The hints are all around you.

The ancient Sumerians started their calendar in the house of Virgo the Virgin. This is a possible source of virgin birth. The Son of God, Born of a Virgin, Died on a cross and who had 12 disciples.

These are very common beliefs for old religions.

There was no Christ

The term Christ does not have its origin in the Christian religion. It was a word co-opted by the Christians from the Jews. It means the political/military leader who would bring the Jews their freedom from Rome. Who would defeat the enemies of the Jewish race, here on earth? The Christ had nothing to do with heaven or hell. The Dictionary states the definition under Christian is one who professes belief in Jesus as Christ. Christ is the anointed, the Messiah foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament.

A large part of the world believes that there was no Christ. This would include all the non Christian-Catholic religions. The Jews rejected him as the world savior of their race.

The Islamic religion believes that the man Jesus came down from the cross and vanished. The Mormon believe that he traveled to the Americas. What Hubbard said was there was no savior of the Jew who came to fulfill the profits of old.

Both Crowley and Hubbard had trouble with the hypocrisy of all these different mutually exclusive factions of the Christ story church. All the TV preachers who use the Jesus story to line their pockets. Well both looked in one direction at all the falsity so as a researcher should do looked in the opposite direction to see what they could see. If there are inaccuracies at one end there may be inaccuracies at the other.

A Better Way of Handling the Crowley Connection

LRH studied many primitive societies; Crawley's group was one of these. There are some comparisons and even striking similarities but also there are the differences. Crowley said he was Satan and Hubbard said he was Lucifer. No No that's a joke. That would have to go into the striking similarities. Hubbard wanted people to understand his writing. Crowley didn't give a dam. Hubbard Far exceeded Crowley and was quite a success at the end. He had wealth and ashtray girls. He had servants to put on his socks and poor Crowley had to do this him self. Hubbard developed a tech that Crowley pointed to but could not actualize. I believe that Hubbard and King Kong could beat Crowley and Godzilla in a fair fight but only if it was fair.

Also revealing, was Hubbard's comment "who do you think I am" when a PC was having trouble with the Devil. Same PDC tape where he recommends the book Magick in theory and practice and acknowledges Crowley as his good friend. The similarity have been written quite extensively else where by people who were not fans and who used the eccentricities of Crowley to tarnish Hubbard. How could Hubbard be good when he has a bad friend? Well I have had friends who were at time odd. We have in our Constitution as Clause that forbids Corruption of Blood. That is where the sins of the fathers are heaped on the shoulders of the Son. You are marked by what your forefather did. Where there is a blood connection. There should be no corruption of Hubbard's blood by some of the oddball activities of Crowley.

Jefferson Agrees A Little

The writer of this article likes both of these writers and is likewise not a Christian's Christian.

L Ron Hubbard and Crawley were clearly not Christians. But interestingly enough likewise Thomas Jefferson, who have such trouble with the mystical far fetched elements of the bible that he rewrote the whole thing leaving out the incredulous. You will not find virgins giving birth to anyone nor mention of heaven. It is called the Jefferson Bible. And he wrote the Declaration of Independence so he was good.

Stepping on Christian Toes

" For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure he has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical Marcab PR." LRH About this statement "Jesus the lover of young boys." This reference comes from the Nag Hammadi Library. You can read about this incident in the "The Hiram Key" is Copyright (c) by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas 1996. Their 1997 American publisher is Element Books, Inc. P.O. Box 830, Rockport, MA 01966 ISBN 1-86204-004-4

It might have been here that Hubbard picked up the datum "Christ sleeps with young boys datum". This has meaning of great import to only Christians who care. In our egalitarian inclusive society we would not condemn this activity to the extent of discounting all beliefs attributes to Jesus.

Secret Societies

"The handful of secret societies throughout history that have caught on to this game have long since fallen by the wayside or been taken over and become instruments of the very menace they were set up to combat" LRH

To which ones did he refer? Golden Dawn, OTO or Ordo Templi Orientis, the Gnostic Churches or maybe to Free and Accepted Masons. The OTO was a Crowley organization. As was the A.'. A.'. .

Leonardo Deviance was a member of a Secret Society. He painted the key into his picture The Last Supper. The sun God with the 12 houses, divided into groups of four representing the four seasons or four equinoxes.

In 1972 when I was graduating high school Hubbard cut a record called the Golden Dawn. I wonder if any one knew that the name was slightly more significant that a sun rise. Yvonne Gillham Jentzsch narrated it. Published by Axioms Music. Israel Regardie published the rites of the Golden Dawn in 1937 that probably broke an oath. An interesting question is were the two alike in content?

In France the Templars supposedly worship a devil called Baphomet. They were accused of ritually denying Christ, of repudiating, Trampling, and spitting on the cross. The Templars also had a crossed out cross like Scientology and Crowley. The Templars flew the Jolly Rogers. They dug up something in Jerusalem where King Solomon's temple was. They used the hidden knowledge to amass great wealth until the king of France and the Pope hungering for more wealth in the dead of night on one day certain slit many throats.

Spontanious Combustion

It seems inconceivable that a human being can suddenly burst into flames for no apparent reason, and within minutes be reduced to a pile of ashes. But this is the mysterious phenomenon known as "spontaneous human combustion" a terrifying force which has devoured hundreds of victims and baffled experts for centuries. On December 13, 1959 the hellfire charred Billy Thomas Peterson to a cinder as he sat in his car at Pontiac, Michigan, without even singeing his underwear. Well singed or not I still don't want to see those underwears, if you get my meaning.

Death by spontaneous combustion was written about in Dickens's Bleak House.

"There is some danger, but with OT VII thoroughly complete it is not nearly so great as the danger witnessed by assorted unfortunates who happened to stumble into this area in their sleep or in moments of reverie or anaten, experiencing an hitherto mysterious phenomenon known as "spontaneous combustion". LRH

"If we had time we would pity the many poor souls, from 1950 to PT, who chose such an exactly inopportune moment to drop off the road to truth and disconnect from reality, the full burst and glory of OT practically within their grasp." LRH

Well Ron I have a question. You pity the poor souls. I assume because they did not avail themselves of the gains to be had by applying you tech. Good enough. But tell me who is in a better position, who has evolved to a higher state of evolution, who is more Clearer and More OT. Those who have dropped off the road to truth after, say receiving a couple years of auditing or those who join staff and never get auditing except repair of correction and correction of repair? The public walk across the bridge. The staff is the bridge. It is reported that the reserve has over a billion dollars. It is time to lower the prices or see the whole activity collapse. And give the staff a raise.

Magick Compared to Auditing State

"Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law"

"Magick is the Science and Art of Causing Change to occur in conformity with will.

Postulate: Any required Change may be effected by the application of the proper kind and degree of Force in the proper manner through the proper medium to the proper object.


(1) every act is magical act

(2) every successful act has conformed to the postulate." These axioms of Crowley go on to the number 28. They are from the book quoted by Hubbard Magick in theory and practice.

A spell is where the castor or operator performs some incantation and observes a result. The goal of Scientology is to be an Operating Thetan on who can have this " Ability to be cause knowingly and at will over thought, life, form, matter, energy, space and time, subjective and objective". Wow what a definition. The 1975 4th American edition has that in it. The 1976 6th edition does not have the OT Levels "States Attained". From the heading states attained I would say there are some pretty powerful magnificent being out there. I note that this seems to state that these states have been attained in the past and if that was the case in 1975 they must be making them now. I probable got the other OT levels. Also see that you can never get a complete duplication of the subject Scientology as it is constantly changing. When Scientology confronts an opponent or friend it makes constant adjustments of its nature and fabric in conformity with its designs. The ultimate Face Dancer. From one of the Dune books a Face Dancer is a shape shifter. The Face Dancer know that they are superior to mortals so in a gesture of evening up the chance of a even challenge leave clue to their true nature. There are clues to Scientology's nature to be explored.

This is how Scientology can be better understood. The Scientologist wants to create an effect, an improved condition in life. This is the magick he wants to express. He uses the tools at his disposal to postulate this effect. In advances Procedures and Axioms one of the earlier books Ron said that an auditor must first asses the PC in front of him and postulate that he will have an improved condition.

Hubbard followed the directives of Crowley " never permit the thought or will of any other being to interfere with you own. Be constantly on Virgil to resent this improper reach. Be on the alert to resist with unvanquishable ardor and vehemence of passion every attempt of any being to influence you. "

Doctor Hubbard wanted to create a new synthesis of the world and the pieces were you and me.

Likewise with the LM trust, they want to spark debate over the issue of scientology. The existing situation is the thesis. The papers solicited are the change or something new. The new evaluation and enlightening in the minds of the readers is the synthesis.

Anthony C Sutton, America's Secret Establishment, covers this in the fine book Intro to the Skull & Bones. In the book the example of the use of this tech was Capitalism was the thesis. The new idea, or anti thesis was Communism. The synthesis was the new world utopia. Many millions died over this experiment. But this was just the cost of doing business.

As Bob Dylan said "The master makes the rules for the wise man and the fools but it's alright mom I'm only bleeding."

Some believe that the word Scientology or Scientologie was coined be Alfred Nordenholz who published 2 books dealing with "Scientology" as the "Science of Knowledge". The first book was released in 1934 and was titled "Scientology: Science of the constitution and usefulness of knowledge". The second was released in 1937. The title is: "Scientology: System of Knowledge and Science".

But in the parlance of Ron's tech there is an earlier similar.

Allen Upward published THE NEW WORD in 1910. On page 139 he writes " All this is not really science, but only scientology.' On page 149 "And unhappily scientology is as often mistaken for science as theology is for worship". On page 156 "We distinguish between science and scientology". This book is a rambling request to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which did not work. There is probably an earlier use still. What does this mean, nothing really. When compared, both of the other author's use of the word would never be remembered had it not been for LRH originating the subject. Accusation: LRH use other's ideas and did not attribute them to others. Response: so what. Scientology has fought for the toehold it has gained and for some reason it does not feel the need to capitulate its existence for the above accusation or others like it.

Scientology wants to control what is reality pure and simple. Reality is what we say it is. It believes that if one has power it should be used to further one's goals.

Scientology is a taker of the first order. The prime directive is always take. There is a one-way flow from the public to the banks. The darkest day in Scientology was when some Sea Org Member decided delivering services was hard, why don't we just ask them to give money and not offer any services. The question becomes why bother with delivery at all .The ORDER: Get this public individual to take total responsibility for the entire planet and do it quick, at least by Thursday at 2pm. We will simple say that we are the only one who can operate in these areas of social betterment, the only solution to the problem. Reminds me of the movie CATTY SACK, where the judge is offering the young golfer a scholarship to college. He poses the question, "well son to you want to be on the side of goodness?" Scientology has Co-Opted all goodness and has wondered into the photo shoot to be positioned era in with all that is nice and is seen as beneficial.

Look Into the Eyes to See the Truth

When the US was first formed there were courts of law but not lawyers. The reason was that the people of the colonies believed that the truth would show in a mans face. You could look and see if a man was lying to you or not. When I watch Mike Rinder on the TV interview it seems that he is consciously at work with his face trying not to give anything away. He is asked a question and if you watch, he hears the question, looks to where he has place the answer and gives it. A practiced routine. Rinder is a Public Relations man. But whatever punishment he gets should go also to all the politicians and lawyers. Rinder is giving a performance just as the lawyer gives in his closing argument. These arguments, by lawyers, are a manufactured event that, by the cannons of Professional Responsibility and have nothing to do with truth. What is required is a vigorous defense. The best evidence is structured in such a way as to prove guilt or innocence. The lawyer if good could argue either side with poise. I was told by a Government Lawyer after a job interview, where we roll played and the objective, i.e. the right answer was to lie the judge, that it gets easier the more you do it. Of course one can't being up this subject with out thinking of Clinton, who established that oral sex was not sex really and showed America the true definition of is.

Scientology is duplicating the ways in which the world is being controlled. You can accuse the Church Of Scientology of employing a device that some people on this planet have not authorized it to use. In the unauthorized use of this ploy the Church has been successful which of course is the bigger crime. You'd like to be gentle but the world demands retribution and as such this unauthorized use will have to go on Scientology's Permanent Record.

It's out ethics to not give. It never ends and all the time there is not need. Scientology wants it both ways on so many issues, as all religions do We are super rich if anyone takes up an attack. We can out spend anyone on our defense. We are poor and the entire hope of mankind rests on your giving up you rent money. There is a rite sacred in the ways of Scientology called the reg cycle. Here the public person is talked to and any and all devices are used to get money. These can go on for days if the amount of booty is large. And the individual asking has a personal stake, as he will receive a % off the top.


A fraud is " an intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right", Blacks Law Dictionary. Some accuse Scientology of fraud. Most of these acts are done with the person truly believing that I'm sure there has been fraud in some registration cycles Overreaching and giving promises that are known can't be met do occur. When results are stated for a service that have no basis in fact this is fraud.

The lynch pin of this analysis is does the person giving the data believe that it is the truth. Has that person been selectively keep purposefully ignorant of the hot skinny of true situation?

If the church objects to this statement a survey could be done. Even an informal survey of asking one person this question. When you were invited to join the Sea Org were you promised an individual room? Were you promised something you did not get? Were you promised a day off each other week and plenty of family time? Did they, at the time of recruitment fully disclose the statistics requirement for a day off? Did they tell you as a selling point, oh we get our auditing free on staff? This is fraud. Because it is a lie used to induce you to part with something of value, the years of your life. If the individual consents to this treatment or later ratifies it in some way it may become unactionable.

This becomes a Missed With Hold from public. How about a Sec Check of staff that would align with what the public holds is proper morals and ethical conduct.

Questions like these:

Do you lie to the public?

Do you miss direct the attention of the public that get too close to the truth?

Is the public just dumb?

Have you stolen anything from the public and sent it up lines?

Do you hate the public for not joining staff?

Do you pretend to be friends with the public but write reports behind their backs?

Are true friend?

Do you want to bite the hand that feeds you?

Do you want to escape?

What do you call freedom?

Do you have any integrity left?

The problem with Scientology is it is a false economy where the rewards for the efforts go to the wrong people. The staff should be paid a living wage.

But it is to the staff that Scientology is applied and in such a situation they lose every time. Life is a confusion of not aligned mixed up particles and data. The controller/master uses Scientology to arrange a better situation for survival of the master. He who applies Scientology to the other opponent wins. Here may be lip service to a group win or pan determinism but this is subterfuge and more lie. Getting in the other person's ethics is the same as introspecting the other person to look at why He fucked up and the person directing the show never looks at his own duplicity in the matter. This is the way of the Sea Org and the Way of Hubbard.

No let me get your ethics in. Reminds me of the joke where two lesbians were walking into their apartment and each says let me be frank with you.

When the Protocols of Zion were published they were used to persecute the Jews and that document unmasked the face of pure evil. A love of power. This document describes Scientology's evil twin brother/sister, but it is only one of the faces of Scientology. The face kept hidden. "Right lies in Might.

Freedom - an idea only " "The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that their government is nothing but the steward of the people who are the owners of the country, and that the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove. "

The other faces of Scientology are of the wins and the wonder of auditing.

Auditing is good to a extent. "Everyone needs someone that they can talk to.

Someone to open up and let that trouble through," song by John Prime. That is the Auditor. Here is a setting where the person can talk without the fear of interruptions and invalidation.


Scientology is amoral i.e. not caring about concepts of right and wrong as the worldviews these ideas. The realm of right and wrong belongs to mortals not to God Makers. "Of course these are the characteristics of gods, but who said we were trying to make anything else". Once they internalized this concept they did not look back. All actions were done as needed in a saponaceous way and there was little introspection or pondering was I really right in that decision? To reflect on this they would have needed to have a god reference to compare their actions to. This question of morality is never arrived at in the Church of Scientology. It is never even considered. A better way to look at this definition as applied to LRH is to say that when LRH did well he wanted that action to be the one people remembered. The yen yang computation goes like this, if I create great good for humanity I shall be excused all great evil that is ever connected to my name. But even better if I do great good I am licensed to do great evil also. As long as LRH could control how everyone would look at him and what thoughts go with his image he could create reality, which is just what the ruler of this world do. Hubbard came on the scene looked around and duplicated what was being done to maintain and control power. This is what he wanted. This is what he did.

Responsibility Can be Used as a Tool

Jesus thought in parables, one being the lost lamb. The on lamb is lost, the Shepard leaves his flock to look for this lost lamb finds it and returns it after mush as arching, to the flock and all is well. The ancients, who heard this story would look at his life, identify himself as the lost lamb and realize that there was a place for even him a lost lamb in much way to return to god and be saved.

In Scientology the lost lamb story would go like this. If a lamb get lost and eaten by the wolves well he just pulled it in and it's his fault. No one goes out to look for it. The pack is protected at all costs. But we will also use this story as a parable for you to place yourself in. Picture yourself as the lost lamb, the wolf see you gets closes all the time your fear is mounting. As his teeth are ripping your flesh from the bone remember you blew it. You could have gone free this lifetime. Now you will have to go pick up another body. Now you don't want that do you? Remember to keep Scientology working.

The pecking order is lose a common public any day. They even have a term for this. They waste a public. You will hear in the 6th division say "we sure wasted that public". What this means is they did not even try. For one reason or another the public person presented a staff member a persona that the staff member could not have and was turned lose. This give the staff a hallucinationary cause and lets them imagine that there are on top of the world. Self-justification thought.

The next in the pecking order is staff, then Sea Org members, the celebrities, Then Management and the top man David Miscaviage. All the resources are at the disposal of the last man standing. All funds flow up.

The staff shall serve, said LRH the slaves shall serve, said Crowley. Just like with the US Government there has to be a plan, if a plane goes down with the top management & Miscaviage on it does the CO of one of the lower orgs take over.

There is an old insurance policy, which describes Scientology pretty well, called a Tungsten Insurance Policy. It is where a group is formed and if anything bad happens to one of the group the others receive the proceeds from the policy. This way the group survives and the individual does what he wants, which is, contribute to the group survival.

One obvious comment. How things got bad in Scientology was some bad guys got in control. A group of On Source In Ethics OT saw this out rage, ousted the rascals who were squirreling and the rest is the glorious history of ethical up state on purpose management.

This story ranks with Santa and the Easter bunny. How do people in control of others believe that such a story will be told and believed? Next thing you'll have is a president taken out while the whole world is watching. A story of a magic bullet that passes thought two bodies and is found on the stretcher with not a dent in it. The truth is that is what is done day in day out for people in power. The world is in future shock. Too many happenings to deal with. What is needed is any story that shifts responsibility to other quarters and lets the power source remain standing. What happened before can happen again. The trick is to be just more on source, more ethical and more OT and you have a church. Read what the Supreme Court has said about religious scissions. The current management is there because they took over from a problematic group of managers. What really happened was there was a power vacuum at the top with Hubbard.

Miscaviage either power hungry or through altruistic motives of taking responsibility for a sinking ship took charge. The choice of power hungry and altruistic depends on the spin you place on it. He applied the Simon Bolivar Policy. This is the way Hubbard determined his own end. " Real powers are developed by tight conspiracies of this kind pushing someone up in whose leadership they have faith. … a kind of Juggernaut builds up," LRH.

Only the policy was used to consolidate power in an excessive manner with the entire structure of the church put at risk for one small group of individuals. Why did the entire political body of Scientology lie down and let this happen. There is no real history of standing up to any counter force in the public sector of Scientology, internally. We were always told what to think, when and how often. At the time that seemed all right with me. I sure wouldn't want the job.

This is like in the book the secret life of plants which talks about the fallacy of experiments with an impartial viewer. If there is a happening there is an observer. That observer looks through all the past events that have occurred to that observer. And so he aligns events to fall in order in his mind and align with other but of information. What I am saying is all happenings related to the subject of Scientology are viewed. Someone sees them. If this subject likes the subject he will see the event through rose-colored glasses. If he is an opponent to the subject of Scientology he will take only what can be use to lower the repute of Scientology. Each re-enforces the preconceived ideas that where brought to the table. Both know before he goes. Both have postulates that must come true. Both have belief systems, which need to be proven right. And there is never a final count up of the points in this game. There is never a final arbiter who awards the game to one side. Look at our world was. The nazi was defeated pretty good but there are still Nazis here on earth stubborn resentful, full of hate at the loss but determined to survive to the end.

Scientology can't be a Religion because they believe that they are made up of a lot of entities that they can talk to, that's just strange.

Why can't Scientology believe some of the normal stuff like I've listed below? The answer is if they did they would be that other religion.

Like the Catholics

I was once a catholic. We during our services eat a wafer that we believe is the body of Jesus Christ. This is not a representation or symbol. It is the flesh of Christ. I was an alter boy so I know the words " HOC EST ENIM CORPUS MEUM." Or as we called them the 5 magic words.

Mary was a virgin who became pregnant by an angel and of course Catholic girls have been trying that one for centuries.

There are some nunneries where the nuns still sign their vows in their own blood.

The priests are celibate. They hear augural confessional from all the women in the perish. The men bring in their wives and daughters willingly. And the priest asks leading intrusive questions. No they do not write down the answers and file them away for leverage like our friend Terl. But a priest can take the sins away. So as long as there is a priest around maybe you can do what you want to. I also believe that a priest can take a mortal sin away but that costs more. But if that's true why do they call it a mortal sin?

Pope Innocence the Third said to his general, on one of the bloodier crusades when the general said we've got the enemy surrounded but there are women and children there, some aren't involved in this heresy."Kill them all and let God sort them out."

Jesuits a Group of Catholics

Let me put before your eyes an extract of the Jesuit teaching from "Spiritual Exercises." By their founder, Ignatius Loyola " we ought ever to hold as a fixed principle that what I see white I believe to be black, if the superior authorities of the church define it to be so." 50 years Inside the Church of Rome.

The Jesuits were rather independent and would hear the confessions of the noble in an area and it that way come to power.

Hare Krishna

All initiated devotees must: not be addicted to any intoxicants including coffee, tea or cigarettes. Are forbidden to have illicit sex, strict vegetarian, not mix with non-devotees, not waste time in idle talk nor engage himself in frivolous sports and above all chant.

Like The Protestants

The Protestants believe that it is all right to read the bible where the catholic believed that only the priest should. There are 100's of different types of Protestants where you can be saved only in their church and everyone else is going to hell. The protestant is your best bet if you want to start and star in your own religion as its been done so often.

The Baptist believes that if you don't totally submerge the body in the act of baptism you can't get into heaven. There are snake handlers who dance with serpents. If you get bite your faith was small. There are shakers who get worked up in a crazy dance.

The Assembly of God believe that the were Awakened.

The Protestants were killed for their beliefs. They decided that they could own their religion and it was worth more that life. Maybe for a Squirrel group to succeed there will have to be someone who dies in the attempt.

Like the Jews

The Jews have a ritual where there wear a special prayer in a box in front of their head. They also have a prayer where they are forgiven for all the evil that they will do in the coming year. Half are orthodox which means that they can't eat bacon or eat milk with meat. I do not mean to trivialize there religions but just want to point out that they set their own standards as to what is and isn't part of their religion and what you have to buy on faith. I like the Jews. I was one last lifetime. It true look in my folder.

Like the Mormons

The Mormons were once polygamists. Some still are. Joseph Smith went into the woods; meet up with a giant white salamander that showed him some golden tablets which he translated into the book of Mormon.

The Jehovah Witnesses believe that they have the plain truth. They also knock at your door but leave quickly if you are wearing bathrobe.

In the move Peggy Sue Got Married, Nicolas Cage in wearing a kooky sweater and the father makes a comment about it. The Cage say what's the point in being a teenager it you can't wear kooky cloths. I agree 100%. Also what's the point in having a religion if the religious beliefs have to be put in a blender with everyone else's beliefs and homogenized?

Religions Wars

My findings are that to be a religion on the planet earth there must be killings, the more killings the more I am sure that it is a religion. The deaths at Flag do not prove that Scientology is not a religion. This is a spin and an attempt at a new synthesis. You could say to kill someone is not nice.

There is a war in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants.

There is a war between the Jews and the Arabs.

There is a war in Nepal between Arabs and Christians.

There is a war between the Serbs and the Croatians.

The originator of Mormonism Joseph Smith had his own army. The army did not save him.

When someone from Islam kills in a jihad he goes to a heaven.

The LM Trust is using this tragic death to point out where Scientology is abusive. Here is a case where the church slavish surrender of the ability to think and observe to the dictates of an LRH policy and that cost someone their life.

What does it take to be a religion in the USA? Very Little.

The First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. IRS has said you must be sincere in your belief. That seems easy. I believe majorities of this Scientologist believe that they are going to be released

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

A clear world would mean that all the wealth of the world would be in the hands of Scientology.

A clear world would be an end to any other group. The purpose of ethics is first to remove counter intention and then to remove other intention. As all other groups are by their nature governed by their own goals and desires they would have to be removed. Once the planet is cleared there would be the biggest book burning ever as all other authors are other intentions. All other religions would have to go. I do not think a clear world would be much fun.

A Catholic world would mean the same thing. When the Pope gets off a plane and kisses the dirt he is not blessing the ground, He is claiming it. The Church of Rome once owned a very large 60%- 70% of the face of they earth and they want their land back. They have long memories. They have what Hubbard wanted, a nation state of his own.

I can't imagine what a world Muslims would be like. No coffee, no beer, no smokes no thanks.

The Jews seem to be singularly by them selves in just wanting to be left along to live their own lives. But if they did rule the world I would have to drive downtown to get pastrami on rye.

The goal of society if it wants to maintain an inclusive egalitarian society is to see that all survive.

The Scientologist Must Survive

The Scientologist does have a way with the Government and I hope that the two do not get too friendly. The Scientologist held a mirror up to the face to the Government and it appears that the Government looked. This world needs firebrand groups that have no fear who tackle big opponents.

The Goal of Scientology is to Create A Moon Child or OT

If you remove all the entities from the body and the thetan from a body you would have a proper container for the anti-christ. See the book by Crowley called Moon Child. Author's notes this book was written in 1917, during such leisure as my efforts to bring America into the War on our side allowed me.

Persons and incidents are purely the figment of a disordered imagination. If this was an end run to create Moon Children I can tell you have no fear, it will not work. Just a thought.

About How to Win Friends and Influence People

You don't feel like smiling? Then what? Two things. First force yourself to smile. I heard that before. He also said you could talk to an atom in your body and get it to talk back. If you can't pay someone adequately give them a title.

The Book Scribblers

Now when I say that I not saying these three are the same. You must see that the comparing of one common trait does not mean that all these individuals have all similar ways. They had this similar trait. When reading if they read something that they did not agree with why had to state so on the book They showed that their ideas were at least just as important and maybe more important that the writer who had written. This is the reason I do not borrow books. Hitler did this. Read Spear of Destiny, Hubbard did this and Scientology even published a Cutlet Book on Public Relations with his writings in the pages. I believe that was a first.

What Dose Scientology Say About All Criticism Coming In I believe that much of the criticism about the evils of scientology is egocentric sourced. The power driving this make-wrong/must correct is emendating from the collection of past happenings of the speaker. But Scientology must have an explanation that shields itself from any repercussions arising from the criticism. The stable datum is do not look inwards look out. Now this is coming from a group who are constantly looking into them selves for the source of what is pulled in. The stuck flow are Introvert on the first Dynamic, never under any circumstance inspect or investigate above your rank on the third Dynamic.

Why do people go along with this is answered in Voluntary Servitude By some French Guy, Sorry I wrote this in two days and can't recall his name.

Likewise much of the hold the fort all is right don't look behind the curtain comes from the shattering realization that all those hours all the money and all of our postulates may have been misplaced.

We all have a past that we must justify. We must remain somewhat sane if in appearances only. After receiving those famous "Ls" at flag and being rushed about, then to give the speech which is really a sales talk for those who haven't had the experience, that must create in one's mind this overwhelming need for the really big win. After all the win must be at least as good as the feeling one would get from a luxury auto or a vacation home.

A Plate of food

Scientology can be likened to a plate of food. I place you the reader in this vignette for effect.

You are hungry and all your friends vehemently stress that your agonizing future depends on your eating there. You say Ok You are seated. They bring the suggested donation list and the smelling salts for your reaction at the prices. But you say maybe this is it. Yes maybe this will change my life.

Order away. The food comes and it is true there on the platter is the most mouth watering pleasant looking sweet smelling. (Remember when Hubbard ruined/near canceled the sense of smell with his olfactory comment) well this food is everything you friends said. And you dig in.

The realization

This comes at different times for most people but somewhere you notice that something is not right with your plate of food. There directly under a delicious leafy vegetable looking back up at you is a cat turd. First reaction is to question yourself; no no I must be seeing things. But no that is what it is.

You tell the waiter. What he does is strange. He places you on a routing form that has 20 - 30 people on it that you have to see before you can get some satisfaction.

When you finally finish the routing form you are redirected to the same plate of food that has been waiting for your return. But god dam it there is that same cat turd. Please lord save me from this. Luckily you did not say that out loud as there is a separate routing for any mention of lord or god After as few meals in this manner you learn to eat around the cat turd and even develop a new ability to not see that item on your plate. You must come back real soon as that is what the cook says you must do.

And truth be told you really like it in the restaurant. It is a place where you feel wanted. The rest of the world has sped away but there is always a friend at the restaurant.

We all have shared experiences in the church of scientology. Looking back some only see that cat turd and are really mad at the way they were treated by the kitchen staff. Some of can still remember that wonderful smell that you smelt the first time you opened the door. Those you had that you at the time believed were good probe were. Those that were bat were bad.

The big lie in scientology we have a workable system lets keep it working.

We all have individual things that we do not like, each is different and unique to each one of us, and if we were to remove an aspect of our beloved church that each would be removing a different part and in the end nothing would remain. This is incorrect. What we all hate and despise and would remove if each one of us were king of the forest is the same.

I loved everything about Scientology except the hatred

Notes of voluntary servitude or Responsibility

The steps to rehab rejuvenate and reform this wayward church is to cancel all un-dated resignations and say ok start. That is all. Just start. The people who are currently running scn are made of the same stuff that the reformers are. The tech of ideal scene when viewed in a systematic way will create through trial and error a better scene. Miscavige is no Hubbard.

The goal of Scientology is to create a moonchild in every OT.

I have spent over 10,000 hours on these OT levels and see no end in sight.

The church answer, spend some more money and do more of the same. My response in from a song of Prime Steady losing means you aren't using what you really thing is right.

God and Satan are now fighting for the souls of all Scientologists. Only time will tell who wins.

Or maybe god and Satan don't exist or have other pressing interests that to care.


A weak mind insisting on a Conclusive Conclusions. I include myself in this category. I too want a proper ending. His may be due to a TV syndrome. All stories end in the 30 - 2hour time limit. This is not real life. Scientology is like the Borg and they have your address. They want you and your money.

They would rather have you dead that ineffective. They would rather you simple donate all your funds to them so they can save the world, give you a certificate and not have to bother with servicing you.

There are many contradictions in this paper. There are many contradictions in life and Scientology. Look at your own lives and see that life is made up of compromises and contradictions.

If you are inclined to being a scientologist and have had some wins there is no power under this heaven that will convince you otherwise. You have your Tech and as you apply it you get your wins and all is well. These wins are real. This is one of the faces of Scientology. All the crap that you hear about is real also. As you are receiving you auditing, telling all to the trusting auditor, who fully believes in the Auditors Code, there is a record keeping Terl (from book battle field earth) who wants dirt on everyone.

"Everybody has something to Hide Except for me and My Monkey" Beatles. Everyone who enters Scientology is fully responsible for his own case and situation. So you must be an OT to go OT. You must be a FEBC grad to know if what you are getting admin wise is standard Tech. You must be a Class 8 to know what you are getting is standard auditing Tech.

I remember when I received a Magazine from Scientology stating the only Absolute Obtainable in this Universe was Flag Auditing. This meant that if you wanted the best standard auditing head down to Flag and get you some. In the same mail was a break through which spotted the outness world wide as Auditors TR were out, even at Flag. A good Scientologist can hold these two ideas and not be troubled by on one hand Flag Auditing Results were Absolutely Standard and The auditors on Flag could not do TRs Correctly. TRs are drills to improve the auditor's ability to audit.

Scientology states it is taking you too a better tomorrow, personally and as a member of the human race. It is this belief that is held by the rank and file that makes Scientology a religion. It comes down to a matter of faith.

We can't go over and place your hand on tomorrow and show for a certainty what will be. The knowledge waits your finale sleep where you will either go to heaven of leave your body and head down to the hospital and try to pick a better-built one. Only then will you know. Do you believe or not. Even if every one in management was a scrooge the like of which Dickens only imagined it would not make a difference.

The only thing a concerned outsider can do is plant a seed. Just like the alcoholic is told in an AA group. There is hope in these rooms but first you must admit you have a problem and accept that it is bigger that you and God can help but you must ask for it. Of course if you expose this person to the OT Levels you risk Spontaneous Combustion. Like Dylan said, " A man next to me, his head was exploding, I was hoping the pieces would land on me."

If you have been kicked out of Scn you will judge Scn from the outside.

Possible wanting to return but probable being too wise to believe that that reroute is a safe venture. This is a major fault with the current management of the church. They are petty. Their actions were self-destructive and they are self-deluded. If they were rational they world work for their stated goal of a cleared planet. But this stated goal is incomplete. The complete goal is a Cleared planet where Scientology rules.

For what ever reason the nasty, in your face vindictiveness, of the Sea Org will continue to feed on itself until its self-destruction. In Bill Gates book "The Road Ahead" he talks about how an organization can implode and destroy itself. Here is the Sea Org. " A company in a positive spiral has a sense of destiny. A company in a negative spiral has a sense of doom". "With in a sick company everything is questioned". Ask yourself in your job is everything questioned? Are you watched out of fear?

LRH has a definition of dwindling spiral, which goes like this one commits overt acts unwittingly. He seeks to justify them by finding fault or displacing blame. This leads him into further overts against the same terminals which leads to a degradation of himself.

If it is OK to charge 1k for and hour of an auditors time why not 10K. Just increase the sales staff and pour on the dedications and purpose. For that matter why all the wealth on has for a Rudiment session.

You in the Sea Org appear to have strong grip on destiny of the subject Scientology. But remember when the Popes men told Galileo " The knowledge of the pope is the ultimate limit of learning and light to which humanity can attain. You are not allowed to know and believe what his Holiness does not know and believe. " They with force and intimidation made Galileo say in 1663 " I abjure, curse and detest the error and heresy of the motion of the earth." Sure he swore that but as he was getting up said" This will not prevent the earth from moving.

An attempt at reform could take place in this way. Bob Minton could secret himself into Sea Org Birthing and when lights out order was given he could read the Seuss book the Lorax to them. The story goes something like this:

there was an ideal place where you would like to be. Swomee-Swans sung their songs, it was a wonderful. There were truffula trees that were wonderful to look at. Enter the Once-Lers who use up all the resources by use of a Super-Axe-Hacker. Near the end of the story the Once-Ler is obsessed by Biggering the factory, Biggering the roads, Biggering the wagons, Biggering the loads. When confronted by the folly of his position the Once-Ler Said "For your information I'm figuring on biggering and biggering and biggering, turning more Truffula Trees into Thneeds, Which everyone needs." It is at this moment that the last tree is chopped down.

The story should be read at a meeting of the Lisa McPherson Trust. It should be sent to all of Clearwater as a way of showing why there is Opposition to the church of Scientology.

A Possible Solution

I am originating a Law School that will have special interest sub-groups. If there is interest I would suggest a group to examine Scientology and produce the product of Lawyers who know about how to practice law and know about Scientology. Just what this group would then do is up to them. We let lose the gods of war, we do not see that they are house broken. If you feel you need and want guidance in your musing about just how does this system of American Jurisprudence and Scientology live in harmony or out of harmony you're my man/girl. Yes I want you as a student. Upon graduation we will all have boat drinks with perusals in them, just like Steve Martin did in the movie idiot.

First Amendment says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

IRS has said you must be sincere in your belief. That seems easy. I believe majorities of this Scientologist believe that they are going to be released

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

A clear world would mean that all the wealth of the world would be in the hands of Scientology.

A clear world would be an end to any other group. The purpose of ethics is first to remove counter intention and then to remove other intention. As all other groups are by their nature governed by their own goals and desires they would have to be removed. Once the planet is cleared there would be the biggest book burning ever as all other authors are other intentions. All other religions would have to go. I do not think a clear world would be much fun.

A Catholic world would mean the same thing. When the Pope gets off a plane and kisses the dirt he is not blessing the ground, He is claiming it. The Church of Rome once owned a very large 60%- 70% of the face of they earth and they want their land back. They have long memories. They have what Hubbard wanted, a nation state of his own.

I can't imagine what a world Muslims would be like. No coffee, no beer, no smokes no thanks.

The Jews seem to be singularly by them selves in just wanting to be left along to live their own lives. But if they did rule the world I would have to drive downtown to get pastrami on rye.

The goal of society if it wants to maintain an inclusive egalitarian society is to see that all survive.

The Scientologist Must Survive

The Scientologist does have a way with the Government and I hope that the two do not get too friendly. The Scientologist held a mirror up to the face to the Government and it appears that the Government looked. This world needs firebrand groups that have no fear who tackle big opponents.

The Goal of Scientology is to Create A Moon Child or OT If you remove all the entities from the body and the thetan from a body you would have a proper container for the anti-christ. See the book by Crowley called Moon Child. Author's notes this book was written in 1917, during such leisure as my efforts to bring America into the War on our side allowed me.

Persons and incidents are purely the figment of a disordered imagination. If this was an end run to create Moon Children I can tell you have no fear, it will not work. Just a thought.

About How to Win Friends and Influence People

You don't feel like smiling? Then what? Two things. First force yourself to smile. I heard that before. He also said you could talk to an atom in your body and get it to talk back. If you can't pay someone adequately give them a title.

The Book Scribblers

Now when I say that I not saying these three are the same. You must see that the comparing of one common trait does not mean that all these individuals have all similar ways. They had this similar trait. When reading if they read something that they did not agree with why had to state so on the book They showed that their ideas were at least just as important and maybe more important that the writer who had written. This is the reason I do not borrow books. Hitler did this. Read Spear of Destiny, Hubbard did this and Scientology even published a Cutlet Book on Public Relations with his writings in the pages. I believe that was a first.

What Dose Scientology Say About All Criticism Coming In I believe that much of the criticism about the evils of scientology is egocentric sourced. The power driving this make-wrong/must correct is emendating from the collection of past happenings of the speaker. But Scientology must have an explanation that shields itself from any repercussions arising from the criticism. The stable datum is do not look inwards look out. Now this is coming from a group who are constantly looking into them selves for the source of what is pulled in. The stuck flow are Introvert on the first Dynamic, never under any circumstance inspect or investigate above your rank on the third Dynamic.

Why do people go along with this is answered in Voluntary Servitude By some French Guy, Sorry I wrote this in two days and can't recall his name.

Likewise much of the hold the fort all is right don't look behind the curtain comes from the shattering realization that all those hours all the money and all of our postulates may have been misplaced.

We all have a past that we must justify. We must remain somewhat sane if in appearances only. After receiving those famous "Ls" at flag and being rushed about, then to give the speech which is really a sales talk for those who haven't had the experience, that must create in one's mind this overwhelming need for the really big win. After all the win must be at least as good as the feeling one would get from a luxury auto or a vacation home.

A Plate of food

Scientology can be likened to a plate of food. I place you the reader in this vignette for effect.

You are hungry and all your friends vehemently stress that your agonizing future depends on your eating there. You say Ok You are seated. They bring the suggested donation list and the smelling salts for your reaction at the prices. But you say maybe this is it. Yes maybe this will change my life.

Order away. The food comes and it is true there on the platter is the most mouth watering pleasant looking sweet smelling. (Remember when Hubbard ruined/near canceled the sense of smell with his olfactory comment) well this food is everything you friends said. And you dig in.

The realization

This comes at different times for most people but somewhere you notice that something is not right with your plate of food. There directly under a delicious leafy vegetable looking back up at you is a cat turd. First reaction is to question yourself; no no I must be seeing things. But no that is what it is.

You tell the waiter. What he does is strange. He places you on a routing form that has 20 - 30 people on it that you have to see before you can get some satisfaction.

When you finally finish the routing form you are redirected to the same plate of food that has been waiting for your return. But god dam it there is that same cat turd. Please lord save me from this. Luckily you did not say that out loud as there is a separate routing for any mention of lord or god After as few meals in this manner you learn to eat around the cat turd and even develop a new ability to not see that item on your plate. You must come back real soon as that is what the cook says you must do.

And truth be told you really like it in the restaurant. It is a place where you feel wanted. The rest of the world has sped away but there is always a friend at the restaurant.

We all have shared experiences in the church of scientology. Looking back some only see that cat turd and are really mad at the way they were treated by the kitchen staff. Some of can still remember that wonderful smell that you smelt the first time you opened the door. Those you had that you at the time believed were good probe were. Those that were bat were bad.

The big lie in scientology we have a workable system lets keep it working.

We all have individual things that we do not like, each is different and unique to each one of us, and if we were to remove an aspect of our beloved church that each would be removing a different part and in the end nothing would remain. This is incorrect. What we all hate and despise and would remove if each one of us were king of the forest is the same.

I loved everything about Scientology except the hatred

Notes of voluntary servitude or Responsibility

The steps to rehab rejuvenate and reform this wayward church is to cancel all un-dated resignations and say ok start. That is all. Just start. The people who are currently running scn are made of the same stuff that the reformers are. The tech of ideal scene when viewed in a systematic way will create through trial and error a better scene. Miscavige is no Hubbard.

The goal of Scientology is to create a moonchild in every OT.

I have spent over 10,000 hours on these OT levels and see no end in sight.

The church answer, spend some more money and do more of the same. My response in from a song of Prime Steady losing means you aren't using what you really thing is right.

God and Satan are now fighting for the souls of all Scientologists. Only time will tell who wins.

Or maybe god and Satan don't exist or have other pressing interests that to care.


A weak mind insisting on a Conclusive Conclusions. I include myself in this category. I too want a proper ending. His may be due to a TV syndrome. All stories end in the 30 - 2hour time limit. This is not real life. Scientology is like the Borg and they have your address. They want you and your money.

They would rather have you dead that ineffective. They would rather you simple donate all your funds to them so they can save the world, give you a certificate and not have to bother with servicing you.

There are many contradictions in this paper. There are many contradictions in life and Scientology. Look at your own lives and see that life is made up of compromises and contradictions.

If you are inclined to being a scientologist and have had some wins there is no power under this heaven that will convince you otherwise. You have your Tech and as you apply it you get your wins and all is well. These wins are real. This is one of the faces of Scientology. All the crap that you hear about is real also. As you are receiving you auditing, telling all to the trusting auditor, who fully believes in the Auditors Code, there is a record keeping Terl (from book battle field earth) who wants dirt on everyone.

"Everybody has something to Hide Except for me and My Monkey" Beatles. Everyone who enters Scientology is fully responsible for his own case and situation. So you must be an OT to go OT. You must be a FEBC grad to know if what you are getting admin wise is standard Tech. You must be a Class 8 to know what you are getting is standard auditing Tech.

I remember when I received a Magazine from Scientology stating the only Absolute Obtainable in this Universe was Flag Auditing. This meant that if you wanted the best standard auditing head down to Flag and get you some. In the same mail was a break through which spotted the outness world wide as Auditors TR were out, even at Flag. A good Scientologist can hold these two ideas and not be troubled by on one hand Flag Auditing Results were Absolutely Standard and The auditors on Flag could not do TRs Correctly. TRs are drills to improve the auditor's ability to audit.

Scientology states it is taking you too a better tomorrow, personally and as a member of the human race. It is this belief that is held by the rank and file that makes Scientology a religion. It comes down to a matter of faith.

We can't go over and place your hand on tomorrow and show for a certainty what will be. The knowledge waits your finale sleep where you will either go to heaven of leave your body and head down to the hospital and try to pick a better-built one. Only then will you know. Do you believe or not. Even if every one in management was a scrooge the like of which Dickens only imagined it would not make a difference.

The only thing a concerned outsider can do is plant a seed. Just like the alcoholic is told in an AA group. There is hope in these rooms but first you must admit you have a problem and accept that it is bigger that you and God can help but you must ask for it. Of course if you expose this person to the OT Levels you risk Spontaneous Combustion. Like Dylan said, " A man next to me, his head was exploding, I was hoping the pieces would land on me."

If you have been kicked out of Scn you will judge Scn from the outside.

Possible wanting to return but probable being too wise to believe that that reroute is a safe venture. This is a major fault with the current management of the church. They are petty. Their actions were self-destructive and they are self-deluded. If they were rational they world work for their stated goal of a cleared planet. But this stated goal is incomplete. The complete goal is a Cleared planet where Scientology rules.

For what ever reason the nasty, in your face vindictiveness, of the Sea Org will continue to feed on itself until its self-destruction. In Bill Gates book "The Road Ahead" he talks about how an organization can implode and destroy itself. Here is the Sea Org. " A company in a positive spiral has a sense of destiny. A company in a negative spiral has a sense of doom". "With in a sick company everything is questioned". Ask yourself in your job is everything questioned? Are you watched out of fear?

LRH has a definition of dwindling spiral, which goes like this one commits overt acts unwittingly. He seeks to justify them by finding fault or displacing blame. This leads him into further overts against the same terminals which leads to a degradation of himself.

If it is OK to charge 1k for and hour of an auditors time why not 10K. Just increase the sales staff and pour on the dedications and purpose. For that matter why all the wealth on has for a Rudiment session.

You in the Sea Org appear to have strong grip on destiny of the subject Scientology. But remember when the Popes men told Galileo " The knowledge of the pope is the ultimate limit of learning and light to which humanity can attain. You are not allowed to know and believe what his Holiness does not know and believe. " They with force and intimidation made Galileo say in 1663 " I abjure, curse and detest the error and heresy of the motion of the earth." Sure he swore that but as he was getting up said" This will not prevent the earth from moving.

An attempt at reform could take place in this way. Bob Minton could secret himself into Sea Org Birthing and when lights out order was given he could read the Seuss book the Lorax to them. The story goes something like this:

there was an ideal place where you would like to be. Swomee-Swans sung their songs, it was a wonderful. There were truffula trees that were wonderful to look at. Enter the Once-Lers who use up all the resources by use of a Super-Axe-Hacker. Near the end of the story the Once-Ler is obsessed by Biggering the factory, Biggering the roads, Biggering the wagons, Biggering the loads. When confronted by the folly of his position the Once-Ler Said "For your information I'm figuring on biggering and biggering and biggering, turning more Truffula Trees into Thneeds, Which everyone needs." It is at this moment that the last tree is chopped down.

The story should be read at a meeting of the Lisa McPherson Trust. It should be sent to all of Clearwater as a way of showing why there is Opposition to the church of Scientology.

A Possible Solution

I am originating a Law School that will have special interest sub-groups. If there is interest I would suggest a group to examine Scientology and produce the product of Lawyers who know about how to practice law and know about Scientology. Just what this group would then do is up to them. We let lose the gods of war, we do not see that they are house broken. If you feel you need and want guidance in your musing about just how does this system of American Jurisprudence and Scientology live in harmony or out of harmony you're my man/girl. Yes I want you as a student. Upon graduation we will all have boat drinks with perusals in them, just like Steve Martin did in the movie idiot.