LMT Literati Challenge, Year 2000

From: Bob Minton <bobminton@lisatrust.net>
Subject: REPOST of 2000 LMT Literati Announcement
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 20:06:40 -0500
Organization: The Lisa McPherson Trust, Scientology's external cramming org
Message-ID: <677g3tkufbmvf4fpl90ac6d0v2tmj2jer9@4ax.com>

In order that everyone is reminded of what we were looking for from entrants in the "2000 Lisa McPherson Trust Literati Contest", I am reposting Stacy's original Announcement, with minor changes.

Bob Minton

In 1999, Bob Minton, now the Chairman of the Lisa McPherson Trust, started a "Literati Contest" on the Internet newsgroup called alt.religion.scientology that resulted in the submission of 12 very insightful essays into the "dark side" or inner workings of the Scientology organization and the real intent of L. Ron Hubbard.

The Grand Prize winner in October 1999 was Joe Cisar for his extraordinarily insightful essay entitled "Doing Hard Time on Planet Earth." webbed at:


Second place went to Scott Mayer for his excellent essay entitled "Making God Swallow His Laughter -- a New Perspective on the Goals of L. Ron Hubbard, the Man" webbed at:

http://www.lisatrust.net/literaticontest/contest1999/99Mayer.html and,

Third place went to Arnie Lerma for his masterful work entitled "The Art of Deception." see:


The Lisa McPherson Trust has agreed to inherit this literary legacy and has renamed the event the "Lisa McPherson Trust Literati Contest." The Lisa McPherson Trust believes that a more comprehensive understanding of the abusive and deceptive nature of the Scientology organization is the best way to educate government officials and the public at large. Further, this understanding is also one of the most effective ways of helping victims of Scientology recover from prolonged abuse within the organization.

Therefore, in the spirit of a real quest for truth and better understanding of the Scientology organization, we are pleased to announce the following topic for the "2000 Lisa McPherson Trust Literati Contest" as well as the rules and regulations governing this event.

The topic is "Scientology: Control, Freedom & Responsibility." The essay should analyze how control, freedom and responsibility operate together or clash within the organization and how these interface with the non-Scientology world. How that is done or presented is up to the essayist.

Here are some examples:

** The organization and many of its adherents claim that they have complete freedom. There is even a "Grade Zero" where members can attain the ability to communicate "with anyone on any subject." But rather than seeing greater communication with family members who are not Scientologists, we find "disconnection" and PTS handling. While this is certainly their right, what should non-members do in response and for what purpose?

** Are there other models, systems or techniques that can be used to understand and better interface and reach members? These are people who fervently believe that they have some "universal solvent"; yet they feel they must withdraw from interaction with those who disagree with them and even attack critics.

** What holds a person to such a system so that they think they have freedoms others do not? What is the "mind set" of such individuals, because they certainly are not evil. Do others have a responsibility to convince them otherwise? If so, how should it be done? If not, is there anything that should be done? Or do we just mark it off as "religious freedom" and let them do whatever they want?

** Scientologists claim that they are participating out of choice and should be allowed to practice their beliefs without interference. Critics say that the members are not aware of the actual activities or beliefs of the organization and the degree of control that is exerted, not unlike trying to speak to dedicated communists in the former Soviet Union. Thus, some critics say, the members aren't really exercising "free choice," and they (the critics) have a responsibility to point this out. Scientology members say they have a right to refuse to listen. How can this be resolved?

** Some say that tactics being used by critics only strengthens the resolve of Scientologists and proves to them that they shouldn't interact with those who disagree, thereby driving them deeper into the organization. If so, what should be done to reach individual members and for what purpose? What is effective?

** Others say Scientology is a reflection of Hubbard's mind. Some Scientologists are delighted to hear this. But what if the organization Hubbard built was really a "reactive mind," a mind that (as Hubbard said a reactive mind does) thinks in complete opposites? Would that explain why the organization responds the way it does when attacked, or how Scientologists can believe they are achieving "total freedom" when in fact they are under full control of the organization? And if it is a reactive mind, does that give a key to understanding and unlocking it? Where is responsibility with such a theory and system?

Essayists are not bound by these examples. They can draw on any parts or add others as long as they are within the given topic, "Scientology: Control, Freedom & Responsibility."

Here are the criteria the entries must meet to be considered:

1. The essay must be an original piece of writing. It cannot have appeared anywhere else.

2. It must be submitted in English, from 7,500-15,000 words, with correct spelling and acceptable grammar and syntax.

3. It must be insightful and thought provoking, and it must provide some practical resolution or approach to the Scientology issue by integrating the perspectives of both sides. Personal (first-person) stories are accepted.

4. Any quoting in the essay of any other material must be within the Fair Use doctrine of the Copyright Law.

5. The essay should be emailed to the following address:

literati-contest@lisatrust.net, under the subject heading: "2000 LMT Literati entry (entrant's name.)" Entries accepted for consideration will be posted to a special section of the LMT Web site for open review. Should the entrant wish the essay to be posted anonymously, it should be so stated with the submission.

6. Entry does not guarantee posting to the LMT Web site. Only those accepted by the judges for consideration will be posted. There will be several judges including Bob Minton and Stacy Brooks. The decision of the judges will be final.

7. Winners will be determined by the same panel of judges.

8. First place will be awarded $7,000. Second place will be awarded $2,000. Third place will be awarded $1,000. Awards and places are to be determined by the judges and their decision is final.

9. Qualifying entrants grant the Lisa McPherson Trust the use of the essay at the LMT Web site. Entrants grant the LMT first republication rights at the discretion of the LMT for two years. At that time, they devolve to the entrant. The entrant retains all other rights.

10. The contest closes at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time in the United States on November 30, 2000. Any entries received after that time cannot be accepted.

11. Winners will be announced ASAP after the contest closing. Winners will be notified by phone and/or email as soon as possible following the judges decisions.

Good luck to everyone!

Stacy Brooks, President
Lisa McPherson Trust
33 North Fort Harrison Ave.
Clearwater, Florida 33755
Tel: 727 467-9335
Fax: 727 467-9345
Email: stacybrooks@lisatrust.net