Is it an act of desperation for Scn to drag Earl Cooley
out of the closet to harass its critics?
Cooley has recently gotten himself involved in the Grady
Ward case. Miscavige adds yet another foot soldier to the
OSA harassment campaign against Grady. Cooley is no cheap
date and I'm sure he has those Scn donation dollars flying
to his bank account. Wonder why Cooley would even
associate himself with Scn after creeping away from it
rather quietly a few years ago. Did he need the money? Is
he just a loyal Scientologist? Did you know that Cooley is
a trained and audited Scientologist? Let me tell you the
It's my fault really. I'm the person who got Cooley
started on Scn auditing. I've written about this before
but Cooley realized early after he started working for
Miscavige that he would have to become the lead attorney
for any and all of the many Scn corporations. I think the
year was 1984. RTC had just filed a RICO suit against
David Mayo and his Advanced Ability Center and were
motioning for a preliminary injunction. Atty. Joe Yanny
had prepared the case and was ready to argue it but
Miscavige decided to appoint Cooley as lead council in the
case. Earle was fully briefed by Miscavige on black
operations against Scn enemies, critics and the IRS
included and he really enjoys the action. There was more
controversy over RTC winning the injunction than I'd every
seen before. By this I mean some months later I ended up
being interrogated by the FBI in LA for almost 7 hours
straight concerning judge tampering. During the case OSA
staff (Lynn Farney) went to Marianne Phalzers home on at
least 2 different occasions to get her to approve motions
from her home over the week end. Scn plants were placed in
the Advanced Ability Center to reek havoc and perform
criminal activities such as theft and illegal
wire-tapping. Cooley was making so much money from Scn
($550.00) per hour that he eagerly worked 10-12 hours a
day with a shorter schedule for the weekends but he worked
every day. Cooley became very ill, I believe he had a
stroke and the doctors told him he needed to have triple
by pass heart surgery and an angioplasty to open up some
blood vessels in his heart.
Miscavige came to me said he thought it would be a good
idea to give Cooley some auditing before he got his
operation. As a matter of fact Miscavige said it was time
to get him on auditing because he was making $550.00 and
Scn needed to get as much of that money back as possible.
He went further and hypothesized that if we did this
right, in the not to distant future we would offer Scn
courses and auditing as payment for services rendered by
attorneys. After I'd made the necessary arrangements, I
went to visit Cooley and informed his that he was set up
to start auditing and I needed him to be prepared for that
the next day. I'll never forget the look on Cooley face
after I said that to him! How many times had he been
involved in planning operations on others that involved
disclosing private and confidential information taken for
auditing files to use against ex Scientologist. How he
himself had even laughed at some of the things he'd read
about others from the same files. It looked like he was
about to have a heart attack right then and there as I
watched him turn a whiter shade of pale. Cooley was
validly concerned if he would survive the operation as his
doctor had told him there was always the chance the he
would not make it. I went into a sales pitch for Scn tech
and again I got an unforgettable look from him and I guess
Cooley thought nothing from nothing leaves nothing and he
conceded to being audited. With out getting into any
details of what came up in his auditing I will say this,
Cooley never had any withholds or overts he could think of!
I have written before about the degenerated mental state L
Ron was in during the last years of his life but I sure
didn't understand it like I do now. Public Relations in
Scn never mentioned anything about the coroner's autopsy
report even though it's a public record. I never knew the
drug Vistaril (hydoxyzine hydrochloride was found in his
system. Vistaril is a psyche drug used for the total
management of neuroses and emotional disturbances. Shy
David had an excellent web site at with full
details on Vistaril. Here is a man that has trained his
whole cult to believe that psychiatry and psychology are
worst than facing a firing squad. Scn is full of
contradictions and in my opinion there is nothing of
social value to it at all. What did Earle Cooley really do
and say when he supposedly went to the "death bed" of L
Well now Earle Cooley seems to be back on the dole with
Scn again. I wonder if he did in fact become a
Scientologist. I'll wager it was the money. Getting
involved in all the manic criminal activities took its
toll on Earle before. Things are different now that the
decay has had more time to set in. Earle, do you really
think you can survive another dance with the devil?
Jesse Prince
From: (Jesse Prince)
Subject: Once more for the good times.
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