You're looking at one small segment from hours of video tape. The
man holding the sign is bob minton.... A millionaire from new
England. Minton is a devoted protester of anything having to do
with the church of scientology. The man shouting in minton's face
is a sceintologist. Minton has carried his personal crusade of
protests to Clearwater. The world headquarters of scientology.
Minton says because of his protests church members constantly
harass him. --- 'They've picketed my homes in Boston and new
Hampshire. They've leafleted the neighborhood. They've told
people I'm leading kkk style demonstrations against a peaceful
religion.' --- But some of the confrontational protests have been
anything but peaceful. Minton admitted in court today he has
fired a shotgun to frighten sceintologists who came to his
property. And on two occasions... He hit scientology members.
((Shows man being hit by sign)) Both sides video tape each other
constantly. Scintologists say this video shows minton hitting one
of their members. Minton says he was only turning around to call
police because he had been followed all day ---'You know I was
getting a little frustrated by having this camera put in my
face.'--- Because of this the church of scientology is now asking
a judge to keep minton away. ---'We just want to be allowed to go
ahead and conduct our business and conduct the worship procedure
and just live our lives.'--- Standup
Judge Thomas penick says he will rule on the case next Thursday.
Bob minton declined to talk about the case tonight until the
judge makes his decision.
/end qoute
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This is the rough scripts from the 11PM Nightly News. Note: the
court hearing lasted until shortly after 9 PM EST.
/begin quote
New since six: A battle in a Pinellas county courtroom over
freedom of speech. The church of scientology is asking for a
judge to keep one man away from their members. The man is from
new England.... And has been arrested in Clearwater during his
protests against scientology. Here's Newschannel 8's jeff