Bob Minton--Six months probation. Adj W/held. What that means is that
the judge witheld any formal finding of guilt. i.e.---no conviction as
long as completes his probation successfully. That does not mean he
will not have a record for this offense, even after he completes his
probation. The charge will show up in court records as an offense with
a disposition. The only way he can have his record expunged (sealed) is
to take it back to court--and IF he has any prior--even a criminal
traffic offense, such as DUI, he cannot have it sealed. I would be
curious as to what special conditions of probaton the judge
imposed--other than the fine.
Subject: Re: SPTimes: Minton on 6 Months Probation.
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 18:37:30 -0500 (EST)
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