But luckily, Mike Rinder is there to save the day, and shows
him Dead Agent packs on everyone, bringing him back to
the world of truth!
This starts with Bob being cross-examined by Dandar concerning
15 1/2 hours of meeting with Scientology. Bob is insistent that
pretty much nothing was actually discussed. Schaeffer is so
skeptical of this that she jumps in and takes over, as she is wont
to do when frustrated with a weaselly, evasive Bob.
The cross-examination concerns a post from July 14, 1998
by Bob, the one where he commented that Mike Rinder recommended
a good sushi restaurant. While there was a cancel storm during
that period of time it was automatically reposted and is available
if you want the background on what Bob is being cross-examined on here.
10 Q I believe in your deposition you indicated you
11 spent 15 1/2 hours meeting with them. Is that about right?
12 A The combination of those three meetings, yes.
13 Q Okay. So for 15 1/2 hours, you talked about
14 nothing? I mean, there was nothing -- no issues? They
15 didn't offer you anything, you didn't have anything to
16 offer them, so you all just sat and looked at each other
17 for 15 1/2 hours?
18 A Well, there was a lot of information provided to
19 me, which, quite honestly, your Honor, had I listened to at
20 the time I wouldn't be in the problem I'm in today.
21 Q Well, tell us about that, then.
22 A Well, it was largely information about some of
23 the people that I was involved in funding. There was
24 information about some of the lawyers that I was working
25 with.
Page 968
1 And, you know, I -- you know, at that time, just
2 like everybody else who was involved in this thing, you
3 know, you're just automatically geared to not believe what
4 they're telling you, that, you know, just like, you know,
5 from their perspective, you know, they see that a lot of
6 these disaffected Scientologists are -- you know, through
7 their affidavits and other things, have, you know,
8 tremendously exaggerated their experiences and problems
9 with the Church. You know, I think we've already seen here
10 that that's to some extent true.
11 Q I think I mentioned in court that it seems to be,
12 from what I read on these postings, that if the cult --
13 that if the anti-cult people think that Scientology is
14 rabid or whatever they must think of them --
15 A Right.
16 Q -- certainly they sound rabid to an outsider like
17 me reading whatever it is they're saying. So it sounds
18 like, whatever it is they're criticizing, they need to just
19 kind of look inward.
20 A You mean the critics or --
21 Q The critics.
22 A Well, I would say almost without a doubt that the
23 critics are far more rabid than the Church is. I mean, the
24 Church doesn't get on the Internet with the kind of stuff
25 that the critics get on there.
Page 969
1 Q Well, as I said, I don't know what the Church
2 does because I've not seen too many of their postings, if
3 any. Most of the postings I see are the critics'
4 postings --
5 A Right.
6 Q -- and then occasionally I see something that
7 looks like it might be somebody trying to defend the Church
8 in some ugly fashion.
9 A Right.
10 Q But what I see from the critics oftentimes is
11 fairly rabid and fairly distasteful.
12 A It is, your Honor. And, you know, I'm certainly
13 guilty of that as well. I've done that.
14 Q Yes, indeed you are. I've read some pretty ugly
15 e-mails or whatever you call them, postings.
16 A Usenet postings, they're called.
17 Q Right. I'm still having a hard time. So they're
18 telling you that this is -- you really ought not fund these
19 people. You're putting out a lot of your money. You told
20 us about $10 million. So you put out a lot of money.
21 You're funding this, you're lending money to this lawyer,
22 funding this lawsuit, the Lisa McPherson. They wanted you
23 to stop that, right?
24 A Well --
25 Q That's what you said in your deposition.
Page 970
1 A Yes.
2 Q If you don't remember it, I'll read it.
3 A Yes, your Honor, that's basically it. But the
4 way they were doing that is, you know, they were -- they
5 were trying to provide information that basically I had a
6 built-in mechanism not to look at or believe, you know.
7 And they provided lots of information.
8 I remember the second meeting in Boston, you
9 know, they didn't come in with a bunch of boxes like are on
10 the bench back there, but maybe a couple of boxes like that
11 of information that they thought that if I would listen to
12 I might learn something.
13 And, you know, I mean, you know, they told me
14 that, you know, if you continue, you know, working with
15 these people, you know, you're just going to have an
16 incredible amount of money sunk down the hole for nothing,
17 because these people are, some of them, were just con men
18 or con women.
19 And, you know, had I listened honestly, you know,
20 they told the truth about a lot of individuals that I've
21 been involved with.
22 Q Okay. Well, let's get past that for a minute.
23 They had this conversation with you, pointed out the error
24 of your ways, and had a boxful of information about these
25 folks, these rabid folks you were dealing with that you had
Page 971
1 listened to. And when all was said and done, they had a
2 piece of paper there. And they said, "You stop funding
3 these people, and in exchange we will do" -- what?
4 A You know, I didn't walk away with a copy of this
5 thing. I just saw it, and I said, you know, "Look, I don't
6 see any realistic thing here."
7 Q Okay. Well, if they said they were going to
8 leave you alone, what were they going to leave you alone
9 about? What were they doing that they were going to stop
10 doing?
11 A Well, what they were --
12 Q Or do you just not remember? 15 1/2 hours and
13 you don't remember.
14 A What they were encouraging me to do, your Honor,
15 is they were saying to me basically that, you know -- and
16 had I listened, this would have been true -- "You are going
17 to waste your life for whatever period of time you continue
18 doing this."
19 Q Well, you don't need an agreement for that. You
20 don't need something in writing for that, do you?
21 A Well, I --
22 Q You just stop. You know: "You're wasting your
23 life. Stop. Here's some information you want to read. Go
24 home, read it, and stop your funding. See you."
25 There was a document there. Did you read it at
Page 972
1 all? Did you discuss it at all?
2 A Well, you know, what I found objectionable about
3 the document -- no, we didn't discuss it. I just said, you
4 know, there's no way, because the key thing about the
5 document was that, you know, I was basically going to give
6 up my free speech rights about any Scientology issues in
7 the future. And, you know, I just wasn't prepared to do
8 that at that time.
9 Q Okay. But you can't remember what the "this for
10 that" was.
11 A You know -- you know, there wasn't any sort of
12 tit for tat in this thing. This was a pretty one-sided
13 agreement.
14 Q Okay. That's fine.
15 A "You stop doing this and, you know, life will go
16 on for both of us and we don't have to worry about each
17 other. This will be the best thing for you anyway."
18 You know, it was a really completely one-sided
19 agreement. And --
20 Q So you just said no.
21 A That's right.
22 THE COURT: Okay.
ptsc wrote:
> 11 Q I think I mentioned in court that it seems to be,
What a crock of shit!!!
more at:
I feel bad that Bob is so mentally and emotionally pliable
that he would be influenced by those that surround him and claim
to care for him, and he would actually listen and be persuaded
that all of the above, and that isn't all of the harassment by
Co$, my friends . . .
is worse than some beakless harpies on ars?
Two things . . .
whoever is feeding Bob that bullshit deserves a kick
in the butt . . .
but Bob deserves a kick in the butt for listening to
something that is so obviously absurd it isn't even in
the realm of reality.
Also, the Co$ sites, parishioners and bigotwatch . . .
I hope someone with the capability and webspace will duplicate
them for future reference should the Co$ take them down . . .
those websites speak multitudes in demonstrating the severe
state of unreality that Bob is trying to put forth with such
really provable slosh.
Bob, I love you, but to allow a person to wallow in self
deception like what you say above is ~NOT~ being a friend,
it is being a brown-nosed "yes-man" . . . an enabler.
Maybe you better recheck what a friend is . . . .
you obviously don't have any in near proximity to you at
the present time.
It's like, if someone was a heroin addict, I'm sure they
would consider the person who makes sure they have that
heroin so they don't need to go through the pain of
withdrawal and can stay "happy" to be a "friend" . . .
but they are not.
I am ~SO~ sorry this has happened to you.
WAKE UP, damn you!!!
I hope you can snap out of it.
Love from,
From: ptsc <ptsc AT nym DOT cryptofortress DOT com>
Subject: Bob says you're a bunch of con men and con women
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2002 11:58:04 -0400
Organization: ARS: Definitely the Most Malignant Newsgroup on Usenet
Message-ID: <jrogiuo501vjoveh2kofo3vorg9leubjpt@4ax.com>
Message-ID: <3D286B03.14C@mpinet.net>
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2002 12:23:31 -0400
From: Beverly Rice <dbj1120@mpinet.net>
Subject: Re: Bob says you're a bunch of con men and con women
> 12 from what I read on these postings, that if the cult --
> 13 that if the anti-cult people think that Scientology is
> 14 rabid or whatever they must think of them --
> 15 A Right.
> 16 Q -- certainly they sound rabid to an outsider like
> 17 me reading whatever it is they're saying. So it sounds
> 18 like, whatever it is they're criticizing, they need to just
> 19 kind of look inward.
> 20 A You mean the critics or --
> 21 Q The critics.
> 22 A Well, I would say almost without a doubt that the
> 23 critics are far more rabid than the Church is. I mean, the
> 24 Church doesn't get on the Internet with the kind of stuff
> 25 that the critics get on there.