Bob Minton working his OT $300 powers in Clearwater, FL
(He's waving $300 around to attract attention)
It is possible that some day Bob Minton will turn up
"suicided" in some judge's pool some morning: The
Minton Papers will in that case plot the course Minton took
towards that end. When dealing with a sociopathic, schizophrenic
business like Scientology, the threat of murder exists.
There are several reasons why this site exists.
As far as I know, mister Minton does not have a WWW
site of his own; he deserves a voice on the Internet beyond
usenet (newsgroups).
Mister Minton has been generous with his time and
resources to help many of the countless victims of Scientology.
This site is a "Thank you" for that generosity.
I currently use less than 70% of the web space I am
paying for from my web host. I figured I may as well put
some of it to good use by creating this site.
"Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could
have acted, the indifference of those who should have known
better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered
most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph." - Haile
If the crime syndicate doesn't approve of my exercising my right
to express my opinions, they are free to go molest a pig. I live
in the United States of America, and not in a country that
reflects their governing ideals of a brutal, rights-free,
amoral, terrorist regime.