Regarding Jesse's arrest for growing pot, Mike said:
"Now to the other side of the coin. This has every appearance of a black intelligence operation. Planting drugs on a critic and having them arrested for it is a classic church black intelligence operation. I myself have used that one when I worked for church intelligence."
"There are thousands of these black intelligence operations that have been done, well documented in the materials obtained by the FBI raid."
"Black means lie. Black PR campaign means based on lies. Black intelligence operation means based on lies. It is 100% possible that this is a black intelligence operation."
"It is church intelligence policy to investigate a critic for crimes and get him put into jail. This is a standard action. It is basic. It is to be done in ALL cases. What church intelligence is attempting to do in ALL cases is get the critic in jail. It is policy to do so."
"When investigation fails to find any actual crimes, it then engages in black intelligence operations to set the critic up as being guilty of a crime, he never actually committed, and have him jailed for it. One of a thousand examples is the black op done on Mayor Cazares, the staged hit and run accident by church intelligence officers."
"Planting drugs in the critics home or car and then calling in the police to have him arrested for it is a common church black intelligence operation."