This subject has turned up in the Lisa McPherson case recently. I wonder if they found out about Martin's complaint through means similar to those to which Nancy Many attests in this section of her testimony.
10 Q Okay. What types of things did you do for the 11 Guardian's Office? 12 THE COURT: That does seem to be a little 13 far removed from this case. 1974 through 1976? 14 MR. DANDAR: It's all predicate, Judge. 15 I'll show you -- I'll show you a connection real soon. 16 THE COURT: All right. 17 A I did basically undercover work, pretty much what 18 a private -- what I feel a private investigator would do. 19 In fact, my husband at that time at one time was a private 20 investigator, and it wasn't that much different. 21 People would work at companies, myself included. 22 If things came up about Scientology, I would report them. 23 If reports were thrown in the trash, I would take them 24 home. If reports were there that might be of interest, I 25 would Xerox them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 1, Page 20 1 THE COURT: Was this a Scientology-run 2 business? 3 THE WITNESS: Oh, no. These were like 4 government offices or companies. 5 THE COURT: Specifically, like what 6 government offices do you remember? 7 THE WITNESS: The attorney general's office 8 a friend of mine was at. I was at the Consumer 9 Council. They handled consumer complaints.Testimony of Nancy Many, July 12, 2002, Volume 1 --
-Benedetto Croce