From: (Martin Ottmann)
Subject: Letter to US Dept. of State
Date: 11 Jan 2003 07:24:53 -0800
Message-ID: <>
Martin Ottmann 54, rue Pierre Brossolette 92300 Levallois-Perret France
Public Communication Division PA/PL/PC, Rm. 2206 U. S. Department of State Washington, D.C. 20520
January 6th, 2003
Re: Human Rights Reports re "Church of Scientology" by U.S. Department of State;
Dear Sirs,
since 1995 your agency has regularly included the Church of Scientology in your annual "Human Rights Report" under the section "Freedom of Religion". During the past years you have also criticized the position of various European governments towards the activities of the Church of Scientology, stating that government measures against certain activities of this organization would violate the freedom of religion of Scientologists.
I hereby would like to inform you about a so-called "citizen complaint" against four principal U.S. organizations of the Church of Scientology, which I have filed on February 25th, 2002 with the US Attorney's Office in Los Angeles, California and Tampa, Florida. This complaint was later independently forwarded by these agencies to the respective criminal investigations divisions of the Internal Revenue Service in Los Angeles and Tampa for further investigation. Enclosed you will find a CD, which contains my complaint together with 378 exhibits and letters from the above mentioned agencies.
Using Scientology's own internal documents, the complaint proves among other things that within the past 10 years the Church of Scientology has conducted intelligence operations against the governments in Russia, Greece and France and several European individuals.
I am convinced that you will find the enclosed documents very revealing and I hope that you will take them into consideration with regards to your position towards the Church of Scientology. I cannot imagine that your agency approves of such conduct and/or considers it as a legitimate "religious" activity.
Sincerely yours, Martin Ottmann
Enclosures: Compact Disc with federal citizen complaint of February 25th, 2002, Letters;
cc: M.I.V.I.L.U.D.E.S., Paris, France; Minist�re de la Justice, Brussels, Belgium; Kultusministerium Baden-W�rttemberg, Stuttgart, Germany; American Embassy, Legal Attach�, Paris, France; Internal Revenue Service, C. I., Tampa Field Office, Tampa, Florida; Internal Revenue Service, CID Field Office, Los Angeles, California;