Scientology's biggest Narconon drug treatment and training center seeks Oklahoma state certification.
"Those of you who have an opinion about Narconon's worthiness for state certification might want to drop a line to the folks at Oklahoma City."
Professor Dave Touretzky
Sent e-mail message
Date: December 12, 2004
Subject: Narconon (state) certification
December 12, 2004
Okla. Mental Health Board
c/o Ms Meredith Martin
Dept. of Mental Health & Substance Abuse
P. O. Box 53277
Oklahoma City, OK. 73152-3277
RE: Narconon state certification
It has recently come to my attention that the Narconon/Scientology drug treatment program once again seeks state certification.
In December, 1991, state certification was denied because the program, for many reasons, was found to be "unsafe and ineffective". =A0 Findings of Fact: Narconon Chilocco When state certification was denied, Narconon/Scientology found a loophole in the law and bought certification from a private companhy (C.A.R.F.) in Arizona.
For those who were not involved at the time or don't remember the past: The Story of Narconon in Oklahoma =A0 Narconon, at that time, declared it was not connected with Scientology. Does Narconon now admit it is part and parcel of Scientology? Enclosed is a copy of a letter sent by Narconon Chilocco to all Scientology "orgs" around the world to announce Narconon/Scioentoogy's win over the Mental Health Board/state of Oklahoma and to recruit Scientologists to come and work in Oklahoma.
What has changed that now makes the Narconon/Scientology drug treatment program safe, effective and eligible for state certification? Apparently little or nothing. =A0 High doses of niacin, long hours in saunas, hiring of ex-clients as staff, staff composed of Scientologists are still there, aren't they? =A0 Narconon uses the same methods that are "church" of Scientology "doctrine". =A0 Are there any scientific studies of the Narconon/Scientology/Hubbard "method" that aren't connected, in some way, to Narconon and/or Scientologists? Watchdog groups say "No". =A0 =A0 =A0
In Narconon's 2004 (annual) celebration, ex-clients, now staff Scientologists, were honored. Narconon Arrowhead Celebrates 15 Years of Saving Lives in Oklahoma During National Recovery Month" ab_news/AH_Anniversary_04/narconon_arrowhead_anniversary_2004.htm
One of the ex-clients, now staff, spoke about the Narconon "drug education" program in Oklahoma schools. The Narconon "drug education" program was recently booted out of California schools because it was "educating" California children with outdated and inaccurate information.
SAN FRANCISCO / Church's drug program flunks S.F. test / Panel of experts finds Scientology's Narconon lectures outdated, inaccurate TL
There is more to the Narconon/Scientology drug treatment program than Narconon/Scientology wants Oklahoma to know. Be smart. Check out what Narconon/Scientology doesn't want Oklahoma and Oklahomans to know.
S. J. Wilson
P. S. This letter (& enclosure) is being sent for the Mental Health Board's viewing via both e-mail (for ease in clicking on the url's) and by regular mail (to provide a paper copy of Narconon's 1992 signed letter).
Enclosure Info sent to Oklahoma Media & others ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enclosure
Narconon Chilocco New Life Center New Life Without Drugs August 18, 1992
Dear DSA:
It has been a while since my last briefing but the wait has been worth it because there is big news to announce.
Narconon Chilocco now has officially won its battle with the Mental Health Board when the board voted unanimously last Friday to exempt Narconon from certification requirements. In a nutshell, because Narconon is nationally accredited, it never has to apply for certification again and the Mental Health Board relinquishes their control over the program. This is a first ever decision from the Board and Narconon is the first non-hospital program to ever be exempted in this fashion, and is the only non-hospital program in Oklahoma who is nationally accredited.
This marks the end of a two year battle over certification which has cost the state of Oklahoma an estimate $2,000.000 to fight. So it gives you some idea of how much the psychs and ARM figures think Narconon is worth to Oklahoma. The Chairman of the Mental Health Board admitted in the Friday hearing that they had taken money away from other programs in order to pay for the cost of the Narcnon battle, but in the end, it was the Board's own psychiatrist who made the motion to exempt Narconon and end the nightmare that was started by the Mental Health Department in 1990.
All statewide meia covered the victory and touted the decision as a reversal of the early denial of the certification to Narconon. Over 100 telephone calls came in within the first 24 hours from people all over the country offering congratulations on the win.
One television station in OKC announced to all of its employees that Narconon overcame the Mental Health Board and incited a standing ovation for Narconon. Even the Mental Health Board seems happier. After the meeting the Chairman of the Board approached me and thanked me for coming and asked me if she could come out and visit Chilocco now that this war was over.
Overcoming the certification issue has been the biggest battle for Narconon to become fully operational in Oklahoma. The only remaining step is obtaining an occupancuy license from the Oklahoma Departent of Health or a similar exemption from having to be licensed. This would bring Narconon acceptance from virtually every sector possible and open the door of the center wide for all publics in need of substance abuse treatment.
Currently Narconon is still only taking Native Americans, but in the next few days this status will be changing to include all drug abusers from all states and countries and remove all barriers to expansion. Now is the time to promote.
If you have people in your area you know of who need substance abuse treatment, call us. There are many ways for people to get onto the program here and many alcholics and addicts have health insurance which covers their treatment. FSMs are greatly needed on most registration cycles with Narconon and there is a need for promotion in the field of each org.
Tell people in your org and in your field that Narconon Chilocco is going to be accepting all patients and to start making arrangements to get people out here. If there are Narconon public in your field who still need help, regardless of which Narconon they were serviced at.
Promote this one big and I will let you know when the final victory over Oklahoma comes through. And if you see any press in your area on our victory (via the AP wire story on our hearing) please let me know and send up copies of it.
We are also rapidly expanding our staff here to meet the upcoming client needs and we are looking for people who are admin or tech trained (or want to be) who might want to come and live in Oklahoma at Chilocco and work in the largest drug rehab center in the world.
I look forward to getting any feedback possible on this victory, so if you hear about this through your public, or even through your enemies, let me know.
Much Love,
Bruce Pyle
From: (Tigger Tigger)
Subject: Re: NarCONon Arrowhead * Write a letter
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2004 12:26:23 -0600
Message-ID: <>
State Certifcation for Narconon
Letters to the Editor:
Narconon/Scientology once again is seeking state certification for its Oklahoma Narconon, which Scientology touts to the whole world as the world's largest and most effective drug abuse treatment and training center.
But that's not what the experts and/or the record show. The Okla. Mental Health Board, in 1992 found this Scientology/Hubbard program to be "unsafe and "ineffective". =A0 Narconon hasn't changed its "Hubbard" methods. =A0 =A0 =A0
Narconon/Scientology presents "inaccurate and outdated" information to kids in Oklahoma schools. California recently booted Narconon's "free lectures" out of its schools. TL
Scientology also targets school kids with Hubbard's "Study Tech", which was recently booted out of Houston schools.
Hey, Oklahomans are as smart as Californians and Texans. It's time to prove we are. Check out what Scientology/Narconon wants our state to certify as legitimate, safe effective drug abuse treatment. Check out the inaccurate and outdated information Scientology/Narconon is presenting to Oklahoma kidfs. Find out what Scientology/Narconon doesn't want Oklahoma and Oklahomans to know.
Sincerely, S. J. Wilson