Jan. 4, 2001
The Fance Post
the Daily Herald
In a letter to Fence Post (Dec. 12, 2000) Susan Strozewski of the Chicago Church of Scientology attempts to promote a drug rehab program called Narconon.
I wish to warn readers that Narconon is a front group for the Church of Scientology.
I found from personal experience that Narconon is a sham and is, in fact, a slick device to lure unsuspecting people into Scientology. An acquaintence of mine recently discovered that she had serious liver damage from Narconon's bogus 'Purification' program and she now cannot get health insurance coverage. Another Scientology front group to beware of is the CCHR or Citizens Commission on Human Rights. The CCHR is using tax-exempt funds in a covert campaign to discredit psychiatric-psychology treatment. The CCHR has an extensive network of agents that are distributing lies and distortions about psychiatric treament and medications such as Prozac and Ritalin. This is a very dangerous thing and people should be aware that it is going on.
Jim Beebe
Northbrook, IL