Most emails like this get filed away. Since this is from an "official" Scientology email address, it's public domain. As usual the crime syndicate's ringleaders and rubes can't point to anything that's actually "lies" in anything covering the NarCONon fraud.
From: "Kelly Falcone" <>
To: <>
Subject: Narconon
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 13:05:38 -0500
Its ashame you have to print such BULLSHIT and turn people away from this wonderful place. The truth is Narconon saved my life I completed the program in 2001 and have a life NA never gave me that. I went through 4 12 Step programs and Narconon is the only thing that works for me. Why don�t you put that on your website. Do you care about addicts???? If so why not help them get to Narconon instead of spreading your Lies on the Internet�
Mark Koss
Scientology crooks:
End Republican race hatred: