(A late followup to a thread which originally appeared in December) Recap: William L. Marcus is a toxicologist for the Environmental Protection Agency regularly cited by Narconon as a supporter of L. Ron Hubbard's pseudoscientific "purification" therapy. Jeff Jacobsen asked if anyone had any further info on Marcus.
Marcus is listed as a Narconon staff member (to be exact, a member of the Narconon International Scientific Advisory Board) on the website of Narconon California. He is described as follows:
"Dr. Marcus is Senior Science Advisor and Chief Toxicologist for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He has conducted ground-breaking research in the field of environmental toxicology and pharmacology."The famous 1991 Time magazine article on Scientology says although he thinks that "L. Ron Hubbard is a bona fide genius", Marcus "is a non- Scientologist". That was nine years ago. However, he's now listed amongst the "Friends of L. Ron Hubbard" and quoted as saying:(http://www.calnarconon.org/staff.html)
"I first realized he was a genius because of his contribution to my field. Later I discovered that his brilliance embraced the arts and humanities as well. L. Ron Hubbard was a true Renaissance man - philosopher, scientist, writer and artist."Here's the real giveaway: On the website of the Virgil Field Group (a team of "mobile ministers" [sic] - Scientologists, of course - in the western US), Marcus is again quoted as describing L. Ron Hubbard in glowing terms, but his quote - and only his quote - carries a little credit below it:(http://www.lronhubbard.org/eng/publi/friends/index.htm)
"Courtesy of Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International"Draw your own conclusions...(http://mobileminister.com/purif/experts.html)
-- | Chris Owen - chriso@OISPAMNOlutefisk.demon.co.uk | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | THE TRUTH ABOUT L. RON HUBBARD AND THE UNITED STATES NAVY | | http://www.ronthewarhero.org |