Document Zero. 13 April 1976. This is the document that was
signed for approval of the criminal frame of Ms. Cooper.
Document One. Cult plans on getting Ms. Cooper drunk and
getting her fingerprints on a sheet of paper. Then use her
typewriter to type a bomb threat--- the text of bomb threat is on
this document.
Document Two. Cult plans to make a bomb threat via telephone
in Ms. Cooper's name / voice. Cult plans on making a cut-
and- pasted- alphabet (from magazines) bomb threat.
Document Three. Cult operative is to dress like Ms. Cooper and
go to a library and use their type writer to type a bomb threat
against Henry Kissinger.
Document Four. Cult operative, dressed like Ms. Cooper, is to
act crazy in front of people in a laundrymat, telling them she
is Paulette Cooper. Agent is then to call police and tell them
a strange woman, acting crazy, threatened to bomb the
laundrymat. (Note that the GO/OSA wishes to keep hiden from
their agent the fact that the call to the police will probably
be tape recorded.)
Document Five. The cult's schedule for the above crimes.
Document Six. Cult member is to anonymously call the Arab Embassy and "warn"
them that Paulette Cooper is going to bomb them.
Document Seven. Second authorization to implement Operation
Freakout. Includes a note about the laundrymat incident.