bonuses asked this question on 4/30/2000:
I suffered with bipolar from age 11 to 35.I changes jobs alot, colleges alot, towns alot, husbands 2x, etc.At 35, I found the right medicine and had a bad ovary removed. No more more mood swings. I stay on my meds. I am married for the 3rd time and doing well. My 2 kids are doing well. I have been at a job now over 2 years. I don't like my job and want to change,but my work history stinks. When I visit my hometown to see my parents, people act like I have the plague and remind me ofmy failures. My family is still embarrassed about me. I have done well for 4 years, why want employers and people realize this and forget my past? What more can I do? Constantly someone brings up something to my kids or me. When will it end
Wishkid gave this response on 5/9/2000:
Wow, can I ever sympathize!!!! Im only 25 years old but Ive had simialr problems. Ive never been married and dont have any children, but I change jobs frequently.
I decided last year to attend a university. I find that changing classes every 4-5 months help with keeping me interested.
I found myself getting very bored at work and irratated with my co workers. The CA dept of rehabilitation works with people who have a disabilty (I do) and they pay for my schooling.
Most of all, stay strong. Most people dont understand us. When a person has cancer, everyone visits and helps, but not so with a mental problem. Im very open with people around me. I feel that show them what I can accoplish, then they wont be afraid of others like me.
If you can afford it consider going back to school for awhile. Maybe you can find a program to help pay for it. Best Wishes!!!!
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