bonuses asked this question on 4/30/2000:
I suffered with bipolar from age 11 to 35.I changes jobs alot, colleges alot, towns alot, husbands 2x, etc.At 35, I found the right medicine and had a bad ovary removed. No more more mood swings. I stay on my meds. I am married for the 3rd time and doing well. My 2 kids are doing well. I have been at a job now over 2 years. I don't like my job and want to change,but my work history stinks. When I visit my hometown to see my parents, people act like I have the plague and remind me ofmy failures. My family is still embarrassed about me. I have done well for 4 years, why want employers and people realize this and forget my past? What more can I do? Constantly someone brings up something to my kids or me. When will it end
izzybelle gave this response on 5/1/2000:
It sounds like you have suffered enough in your past and are ready to move on, but those around you are not letting the past go. Being bipolar is something the average person would not understand. You must realize this and accept that people can act childish with things that they don't understand. I give you kudos for taking this illness on and overcoming the challenges it presented you. If you are happy and feel that you have you life together, then do not let it bother you what others have to say. I know it is much easier to say this then to actually not have it bother you. There are ways to confront those who will not let it go. If they point out something in the past, point out something right now and ask why they are stuck in yesterday's events.
The past can give you strength, but looking towards the future is the only way we can grow. If you are looking to change your career, or your job, make sure that it is a move that you want. If it is the way that you want to go then do research, but I wouldn't suggest leaving your current job until you have secured a new position.
It is incredibly childish for those who are drudging up the past to include your children. I would talk with your kids to make sure they are aware of the whole picture. I would also speak with those who are bringing up these issues with your kids, and express how they have no right to be bringing it on to them.
There are many people out there who have experienced the same issues that you have. Sometimes it is nice to be able to discuss with people who are going through the same situations, who may have some insight on how to get around these obsticles. There is a great webpage that has many different chat rooms, and messages boards that is:
I am happy that you are turning your life around, you have great strength, and I know that you will use that strength to overcome these obsitcles. Best wishes to you and your family.
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