diefenbaker asked this question on 4/24/2000:
Hi. I have to do research on Multiple Personality Dissorder. I was wondering if you had a good idea for an hypothesis I could use. What should I try to prove in my essay? And also, is there any point I should stress about Multiple Personality?
Thanks alot!
Liveagain gave this response on 4/24/2000:
Acatually, it would depend on if you are going to use experiments or theories as the basis of your essay. I would try and prove that Multiple Personality Disorder most of the time stems from childhood abuse, either physical or emotional and as we all know physical abuse can cause emotional problems. The individual who's being abused, creates another personality to defend and take care of the actually person and personality that's being abused. Depending on how bad the abuse is depends on how many personalities one can develope. True, some multiple personality disorders are caused by a chemical imbalance but the majority are caused from severe childhood abuse. That's the point I would try to stress. Our jails and prisons are full of these types of people. The USA needs to watch out for all of humanity before we as a nation can heal. The real abusers are still abusing and then the victims of this abuse are then being abused by society. A really good book to read on this is Sybil. It's heartbreaking and it's a true story. Another one is The Three Faces of Eve. Also, Charles Manson, has a multiply personality disorder and was severly abused by his mother.
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