betroc asked this question on 3/29/2000:
I was once hospitalized for detox. Well many times, but it was my first time. In my first 24hrs of withdrawl cold turkey in comes a shrink. I say if you guys give me pain med i will eat/i was in withdrawl obviously. This idiot with a 'Dr' in front of his name labels me with 'borderline personality disorder' after seeng me for 15 mins. while i am in sev. withdrawl. There used to be another bogus diagnosis on the books called passive/agressive disorder, the big book social workers and shrinks use to give diagnosis, sometimes only to get ins. to cover. The pasiv/agrs above was taken off the book yrs ago(you see it was given to 85% of the male population & males usually overlook the bookwriting I wish i could think of the name)Now Borderline(BPD)is given to about 90% women, women who have different opinions, who won't 'go along' with what they are being 'told' to do. I can't get this bogus thing off my records now. I don't care all that much, but it is wrong. jeez does anyone else realize this? I volunteered to go to a class on it once, a class in social working they asked me to talk about it. It really is getting ridiculous.
Liveagain gave this response on 3/31/2000:
The only way that you can get this removed from your records it to get several Dr's to go to court and testify that this statement is not true. Yes it is ridiculous that they can do this but it's basically the only they can do things to get insurance companies to pay bill. That's sad but true. It's also true that anyone who thinks different than what "Society" thinks is labeled as "strange" but do you really think that this is really so bad? They fail to realize that's what makes all humans unique and special. ALso, noone can see your medical records without your approval. That is against the law. It's covered by the Privacy Act. You need to talk to a lawyer and get the legal advice you need to have this removed if that is what you really want to do. it just might be worth it. Also, if it's unfounded, then a public defender would suit your purposes. Good luck.
betroc asked this follow-up question on 3/31/2000:
BTW these are the same courts that took my 'oh so private medical records' and released them for all to see.
Yeah I am trying to live again t00. I haven't had a need to be hospitalized for 4 yrs. Since I began on MMT. And I have been clean as long.
But living again without my kids beside me is a difficult pill to swallow and affected the rest of our lives. (mine and theirs especially) Thankyou for your input. I just wish it were that easy and it 'worked'/
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betroc rated this answer a 3.
Don't even start with courts with me. Had I been sent to a detox program TO BEGIN WITH. Perhaps I wouldn't have kept thinking I was messed up in the head. Or better yet, had I been on MMT(methadone)perhaps none of the after-effects of this would have occurred. Like losing custody of my 3 beautiful kids to a sociopathic pedophile. No I have had enough of courts for well ever.