Anonymous asked this question on 7/11/2000:
Help, I'm a twenty-year old female and I've been with about 8 guys in my life time. All have different sizes and styles, The problem is no matter how good the sex is or how much I feel for the person or how good the person is orally or even how thick and long the person is I WILL NOT HAVE AN ORGASM. What's wrong could I possibly have some kind of sexual disfuncntion, I mean I'm supposed to be in my peak or at least experiencing all kinds of pleasures, what can I do??? I feel like I'm the only person who has not climaxed. HElP
Angela_AdviceGirl gave this response on 7/11/2000:
I have talked to my gyno about this because I have somewhat the same problem she says this happens to alot of women. I think if you have the $ to go to get your paps and ask them if there is anything wrong and they will check but your chances are slim that there is. Just to be safe though. I know it is frustrating. I know this may sound crazy but if you realy want to orgasm try a vibrator. They are fast and have always worked for me. You dont put them inside you or anything just use on the clitorus. See if that will help you.
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