Anonymous asked this question on 7/10/2000:
Hi, this one came up during a conversation at a beach, with lots of moonlight :-) "What is love?"? Everybody knows it when they feel it (or at least they think so), but what about the *other's* true feelings? Is she (he) in love because you are having sex? I guess not, because plain money can buy you sex, even sex with beautifull people. Is it then the commitment to companionship, living together? Again, she (he) might be living with you because of material confort, or using your prestige/social net for her (his) own advantage. So what then IS love, if not sex or the desire for cohabitation? (My friend proposed that the only way to become sure that you are being loved is when the other person is willing to risk everything they own, maybe their very lives, for you. Pretty strong that, but even so, what about psychos?)
Angela_AdviceGirl gave this response on 7/10/2000:
Your friend has the right idea. My father always told me you know they love you when your happiness means more to them than there own. and vice versa. I have come to find that is true.
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