What follows is probably one of the most important Research Updates issued by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning offices of the Governor of California. Though released to the public in 1990, most of the information provided in the Research Update remains a valuable resource for people who wish to examine and understand occult crimes and -- even more importantly -- the periodic waves of unfounded allegations of occult crimes in America.
Some of the information contained in the "Shy David release" of this Law Enforcement Primer is obsolete as of September of 2003 and suitable commentary of inaccuracies due to the period of time since the Primer was released has been added to the text, so noted by David M. Rice.
Of particular interest to police officers, Judges, and other members of law enforcement for which the Primer was constructed -- and of interest to the average citizen who conducts research of her own -- is the obsolescence of one of the more valuable resource for highly accurate information about criminal and abusive "cults" in this Primer: That of the old Cult Awareness Network or "CAN" as it was known.
Researchers and readers are to be warned that the Cult Awareness Network no longer exists but that the sinister Scientology cult now operates one of their many fronts with which to hide their true identity under the name "The New Cult Awareness Network" and "The New CAN." Scientology maintains telephone lines and a fraudulent front under the name; those who call "The New CAN" is not told that they have actually reached the notorious Scientology cult and are talking to a Scientologist.
Therefore this warning.
The history of the events which transpired which allowed the notorious Scientology cult to seize the name of this once-valuable cult information resource organization is well covered on the Internet and this Forward isn't intended to delve into the issues or history to any degree beyond offering this warning as well as offering a note from one of the very Scientologists who claims responsibility and blame for the infiltration, racketeering, and destruction of the Cult Awareness Network, a note which speaks volumes in the cult's own words.
An e-mail to Mr. Jim Beebe from Scientology customer Randy Kretchmar:
"To Jim Beebe:"CAN closed in 1996, It was June 20th, 1996, I believe. I still remember it as one of the proudest days of my life. Several of the people for whom I have the utmost admiration dedicated much time and personal effort to that result, over a period of years.
"As far as I am concerned, the core ideas of the Cult Awareness Network and other proponents of 'cult mind control' / 'coercive persuasion' bullshit were so reminiscent of Nazism that by defeating CAN, I have contributed to preventing another holocaust.
"It's a strange thing to actually destroy a group, even such as the Nazis or CAN. One remains a bit attached to some of the individuals who, as individuals, were always basically good people.
"Best regards,
Randy Kretchmar"
(See http://www.raids.org/nutcas2.htm for more on Kretchmar.)
This admission by one of Scientology's spokesmen speaks volumes about the solid, vital, well researched work that the Cult Awareness Network was doing; so much so that the Governor's office included CAN as a resource; so much so that the notoriously criminal Scientology cult had to pull out all stops to try to destroy the good work they were doing -- and successfully so thanks to felonious racketeering acts Scientology committed, the history of which is all covered on the Internet.
(Researchers and reviewers are encouraged to copy and disseminate this Primer provided this release of this Primer is left intact.)