What's the real crime, lesbian parenting or homophobia?

Via NY Transfer News Collective * All the News that Doesn't Fit
By Dyke Action Alert

Buford parsons, a Virginia judge decided that it was in the "best interest" of two year old Tyler Doustou to take him away from his mother, Sharon Bottoms, simply because she's a lesbian. Tyler has been placed in the home of Sharon's mother and stepfather who, Sharon reports, sexually abused her repeatedly as a child.

Lesbian rights advocates across the nation are urging an immediate response to this outrageous decision. Don't let right-wing hatred of lesbians run loose!


Phone - Letter Campaign

Contact Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder and demand that he:

1) immediately institute impeachment proceedings against Judge Buford Parsons, and;

2) take every action necessary to return custody of Tyler Doustou to his mother, Sharon Bottoms.

Office of the Governor
Capitol Bldg., 3rd Flr
Richmond, VA 23219

MASS LEAFLETING in the San Francisco Bay Area:
Monday, Oct. 11 -7:30 AM

National Coming Out Action at BART Stations throughout the Bay Area to raise awareness about the Sharon Bottoms case. Gathering Points: 24th & Mission BART - San Francisco; Ashby Bart - East Bay

For more info, call:
the Lesbians of Women Against Imperialism 415-995-4735

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