At long last - The Dennis Erlich Raid:

I am sorry if this doesn't stream for you but this file will be very popular. To download the actual file then use the file extension .rm . It is about 6.5 Megabytes long.

To me, this is one of the most significant events in the birth of the internet. One of its birth pangs if you like. The internet will evolve into the main form of media on this planet and will cause a meeting of minds without a melding of minds. The ultimate mental community of planet Earth, heralding a new era of peace and co-existence on this planet of ours. A unity without the sacrifice of individuality. The optimum coalition.

Dennis Erlich has written himself into history through his support of free speech. This is the record of that event. Brilliantly produced by Dr. Benjamin Wog, it is my pride to be able to host it for the first time.

Roland Rashleigh-Berry

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