Greatest Scam in History UNVEILED!

The Clear Truth[sic]
The Newsletter of Truth[sic] & Knowlege[sic]!
Online Edition
Vol.1, No.3

ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Restoration Church of God, 2375 E. Tropicana Ave., Suite 158, Las Vegas, NV 89119. Address all E-mail to America Online username Mjohnall, or Prodigy ID #AGHS49A. All material Copyright 1993 by The Restoration Church of God, all rights reserved No portion of this newsletter may be reproduced in any way without the express written permission of the publisher, except for uploading by readers to online data services without modification.

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Greatest Scam in History UNVEILED!

The plotters and schemers have been at it for hundreds of years-- and now, at this end of the 20th Century, THEY PLAN TO SPRING THEIR ULTIMATE TRAP! ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY CAN PROTECT YOU FROM WHAT IS JUST AHEAD!

World events seem to be moving at a fever pitch now towards the GRAND SMASH CLIMAX OF SATAN'S EVIL WORLD! For so many years, those who did not understand the important KEY to unlock Bible Prophecy thought that the Soviet Union was the major threat to world peace and happiness for all mankind.

But now, just as Satan's servants ready themselves to spring his master plot upon the world scene, God is revealing to those He chooses what is happening so that we can PREPARE FOR THE SOON COMING RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST IN POWER AND GLORY TO TAKE OVER THE RULERSHIP OF THIS EARTH, AND TO FINALLY BEAT THE SWORDS INTO PLOWSHARES AND THE SPEARS INTO PRUNING HOOKS!

Hos. 4:6 says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge!" Yes, we are destroyed for our lack of knowledge about many things, as we shall see later in this edition of the Clear Truth. But, WHAT IS THE FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE LACK THAT DESTROYS OUR PEOPLE? The rest of verse 6 goes on to say to the priests (or religious leaders of our people) that it is because they and the people have rejected the TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUE GOD, AND HAVE FORGOTTEN HIS COMMANDMENTS, that this people will be destroyed. This is VERY SERIOUS business that most people don't want to hear. Most people would rather do their own thing and ignore the existence of God. That, God says, is the root of the whole problem.

But, since the time when ancient Israel split off from Judah, and Jeraboam set up the "basest of the people" to be the priests of Israel, and changed the location and time of God's Feast Days, and the observance of the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week, the people Israel have NEVER, unlike Judah, returned to God to this day! THAT IS THE REASON OUR PEOPLE ARE OPPRESSED! And how they are oppressed!

Our People in Slavery

As punishment for their sins, ancient Israel was taken away into slavery into the land of Assyria. God also caused the people to have wicked rulers before that slavery. The people's kings-- MEN WHOM THEY HAD CHOSEN TO RULE OVER THEM INSTEAD OF THEIR LOVING PARENT, GOD-- oppressed them with extortionist taxation, took the best of the young men to die as cannon fodder in wars the king waged for his own ego inflation, confiscated people's property, and murdered enemies of the king! And, God had promised them this type of rulership!

But, this is not all simply ancient history. Recent studies have shown me that OUR MODERN PEOPLES OF AMERICA, CANADA, BRITAIN, SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA, AND NEW ZEALAND are suffering under the same types of oppression the ancient Israelites suffered for turning their backs on God!

Recent studies have shown me some ASTOUNDING TRUTHS about what is going on behind the scenes to prepare the world for the Great Tribulation and slavery for our people. YOUR BIBLE SHOWS THAT ONLY ABOUT 10% OF OUR PEOPLE ALIVE TODAY WILL LIVE INTO THE MILLENNIUM! The other 90% will die horribly, by famine, disease epidemic, war, and the oppression of renewed literal slavery. But, while literal, physical, slavery is yet future, my studies have uncovered a MONSTROUS INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY GOING BACK CENTURIES that has put our people and the world into ECONOMIC SLAVERY!

I am covering this subject in detail in lessons of The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy, but, what I have discovered from MANY, many sources is simply incredible! A group of elitist scoundrels, WITH SATAN THE DEVIL AS THEIR GOD, has conspired for centuries to create A GLOBAL New World Order. This New World Order will exalt the works of man above the works of God. It seeks to exalt a New Age, occultic religious philosophy against the truth of the Bible.

And, further, this New World Order has been functioning for centuries, BEHIND THE SCENES, manipulating the world through the power of money and international banking! It finances BOTH SIDES in contrived wars around the world, spilling the blood of innocent people for material gain. It seeks to subvert the American Constitution and Bill of Rights, which is the ONLY BARRIER ON EARTH TO THEIR SCHEME FOR WORLD DOMINATION!

The interlocking web of scheme, scandal, and intrigue goes on and on. There is no area of life, seemingly, exempt or protected from the tentacles of this global monster! In actual fact, our people have been in slavery FOR A LONG TIME, AND DON'T EVEN KNOW IT! It didn't, as many claim, start with the illegal "passage" of the "amendment" to the Constitution creating the income tax. It didn't start with the foisting upon the American people of the privately owned and controlled Federal Reserve which is neither Federal nor a reserve!


Presidents Have Died Trying to Stop the New World Order and the International Bankers!

We have had presidents assassinated for attempting to stop part of the schemes. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated for printing REAL MONEY rather than borrowing FAKE MONEY from the international bankers! When President John Kennedy learned of the scheme, HE ACTUALLY STARTED PRINTING REAL MONEY-- UNITED STATES NOTES-- AND WAS ASSASSINATED SHORTLY THEREAFTER! He wanted to dismantle the evil Federal Reserve, and died trying! Few know that one of the FIRST ACTS Lyndon Johnson took upon taking office was the reissuance of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, thus insuring the survival of this FOREIGN OWNED ENTITY!

All of this, and much more, is outlined in a very important book, The False Prophet, by Ken Klein. He traces back the history of this worldwide atrocity. I would recommend that our readers take a look at this book.

But, if Klein were alone, in what he says, he could be passed off as a nut. But, HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE! I have heard guest after guest on a local talk radio program here in Las Vegas tell different parts of the same story. Similar information is published weekly by the national weekly newspaper, The Spotlight.

You see, there are things the Establishment doesn't want the American people to find out before it is too late! The recent advent of the semi-free medium of talk radio has thrown a little monkey wrench in the schemer's plans, though, by providing wide dissemination of the facts your government doesn't want you to hear! THAT IS WHY THERE HAS BEEN A MOVE IN CONGRESS NOW TO REIMPOSE THE SO CALLED "FAIRNESS DOCTRINE," WHICH THE FCC WILL USE TO SHUT UP TALK RADIO!

I firmly believe that Satan is behind this group of conspirators. My feeling, upon deep study and comparison with Bible Prophecy is that these people are being used by Satan to set up the mechanism that will later be taken over by the Beast and False Prophet, and then used to their ends. The Conspirators are headquartered in the United States and Great Britain, and the Beast and False Prophet will be headquartered in a reunited, revitalized Europe. When the Conspirators collapse the U.S. and world economies, that will be the moment for the Beast and False Prophet to strike.

My firm belief is that these two wicked individuals have lied to the New World Order people, and that they intend to "double cross" the Conspirators. Bible prophecy reveals that our people are to suffer from war, famine, disease epidemics, and, finally, national slavery. This will be the Great Tribulation, a time of trouble such as the world has never seen.

What, Then, Is the Mark of the Beast?

During this period, the Mark of the Beast will be extant, without which no one can "buy or sell." For years, some alarmists have said that a UPC code will be laser tattooed to people's foreheads or right arms, and that this will be the Mark of the Beast. Klein even goes into an elaborate description of the numbers and codes involved. I have even been told that this method, or a palm print, I'm not sure which, is being used at a local Las Vegas health club instead of a photo I.D. card now.

Others feel that this mysterious "mark" will consist of a new "smart" transponder chip embedded in the skin. This chip will both broadcast and receive information constantly from a new super computer called "The Beast," supposedly in Europe somewhere even today. This computer will be used to keep track of everyone's movements, financial transactions (as all banking will be done through this chip), etc.-- in other words, people will be tagged and kept track of like animals, with Big Brother, the Beast, watching every move. Privacy will be a thing of the past. The above information, along with what follows, was broadcast by Terry Cook, a guest on The Lou Epton Show, broadcast locally on KLAV, on September 10 of this year. Among the information to be stored on the chip about you is: your name and digitized picture (digitized pictures are already stored, apparently, on California driver's licenses, along with other data), a new 18 digit SSN, your fingerprints, genetic record, address, occupation and income, tax information, and criminal record, if any.

A piece of information related to this was covered in a recent story in The Spotlight, which seems to indicate that the new national health "security" cards the Clintons plan on foisting on all Americans are tied into a secret computer at the NSA, and the programming behind it, rather than in the public domain, is considered such a "hot" item that it is a NATIONAL SECURITY SECRET! The question I have for "Billary" is: if this is just a health card for health use, why is everything about this card so secret? Could it be a forerunner to one of the two surveillance vehicles described above??????

Returning to Cook's information, Cook stated that the chips are tied into a new set of super secret "Leo" satellites already in orbit which will monitor the chips and relay information. Finally, to prove his point, Cook said that he had to protect his source, but one final national security item he could let out was the make and model number of the chips, which are already in production (and, according to some sources, have already been experimentally injected into some hospital patients without their permission as a test)": the chips are made by Texas Instruments and the model number is BT 95-2000. BT stands for "Beast transmitter" (remember, the computer they are tied into is called "The Beast," supposedly), the 95 stands for 1995, the year the elite plans the collapse of the U.S. and world economy, and 2000 stands for the year 2000, when the New World Order is to fully be born at a ceremony to be held at the Great Pyramid in Giza, with, among others, George Bush in attendance!

Frankly, I'm not sure if I believe all of the above, but it does seem to fit a pattern and I have gotten like information from many sources..... If only half of this were true.....

I realize that this sounds almost too fantastic to be believed, but I go into detail on this in the latter part of The Fundamentals of Bible Prophecy. But, before one can truly understand this topic in perspective, one has to understand MANY OTHER IMPORTANT POINTS FIRST, AS BACKGROUND INFORMATION, before all of the pieces fall into place.

Therefore, if you haven't yet started receiving these valuable tapes, YOU NEED TO DO SO RIGHT NOW, so that you can get this important information before it is too late. You will be AMAZED once you have your eyes opened to what is really going on around you!


As a matter of policy, all literature and tapes of the Restoration Church of God are free of charge. However, the OVERWHELMING response to this course has forced us to make some reluctant decisions to make sure that God's money is being used to get this information into the hands of those who are really interested. Therefore, we have had to set up a new policy because of increased postage and other expenses:

Effective immediately, we will be mailing out four tapes at a time instead of mailing the tapes one at a time. This is because the Post Office has wrongly been charging some people postage due for one tape. We weighed the tapes, and found that they just qualified for .29 first class postage; however, it is so close to the line that some scales show that the POSTAGE FOR ONE TAPE SHOULD BE .52!!!! This onerous expense would be devastating to the Work, and so we have had to compromise. From now on, we will be mailing four tapes at once at the library rate of .65. It could, however, take up to four weeks for tapes to reach you this way, BUT WE HAVE NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE.

Unfortunately, sending out this many tapes at once creates a temporary financial burden on the church, and it would really make more sense to go to commercial duplication at this time because of the large numbers of tapes involved. But, we simply do not have the money to do this at this time. In other words, by saving a lot of money on postage on one hand, we are creating a temporary cashflow crisis on the other!

That is why we are now ASKING FOR YOUR HELP! We don't want to ever charge for our literature and tapes as most other ministries do (many would charge several hundred dollars for a twenty+ tape course such as this), because God's way is the way of GIVE, not GET! But, we must use God's money wisely so as to make sure as many people as possible get God's Truth.

So, this is what we are doing: we are asking that you send in a deposit of $15.00. We will then send you four tapes in the series. If you decide to keep the tapes (and I think they are so important, you should), we ask that you send in another donation of at least $15.00 for the next group, etc., etc. If you choose not to keep the tapes, but simply want to listen to them, send back your tapes each time with a minimum donation of $6.00 to cover postage and handling for your next batch of tapes. Also, please remember to send in your quiz for the next group of tapes as before.

PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE ABOVE SUGGESTED SYSTEM IS BARELY ENOUGH TO COVER EXPENSES, AND, IN CERTAIN CASES, WE WILL STILL LOSE MONEY DOING IT THIS WAY! So, if you can, please make a larger donation so that those who can't afford to give can still receive God's Truth!

Naturally, if you can't afford to give even the amount as outlined above, please send in your request, stating your situation, and we will still send you the tapes free of charge, and you may even keep them if you wish! We are praying and trusting in God that He will inspire others to help us out so that we can serve those who want God's Truth, but are unable to contribute financially to this work. Thankyou all from the bottom of my heart for your help in this matter, so that God's Truth may continue to go out!

Personal From:

M. John Allen

Many of you will have noticed that this edition of The Clear Truth is a little shorter, perhaps, than some of the others. This is because we have to keep expenses, especially postage, down.

However, with this issue, we have inaugurated a NEW SYSTEM of distribution for some new and present readers. Subscribers to America Online are receiving this publication via ELECTRONIC MAIL rather than POSTAL SNAIL! Not only does this method save the Work money, but it also speeds up the time it takes for you to receive this publication! All others will simply have to wait for the "snail" to crawl to their mailbox!

Another first this time is the distribution of this publication through the Religion library center of America Online, and, hopefully in a couple of weeks, on Compuserve. However, if you are reading this publication on such a BBS, I still encourage you to send in for your own subscription so that you get this publication sooner, as America Online takes about a week to post an upload.

Anyway, the lead article in this edition, and, unfortunately, the only article, is very important. It talks about the rot and corruption underlying this world, and what the results will be. I pray that you will find it of interest.

There were many interesting things I wanted to talk about, such as the fact that most Americans don't realize that there are actually TWO CLASSES OF CITIZENSHIP in this country instead of only one, and that the most common kind is second class in every way. I have spent much time studying this, and hope to publish an article on it in the next few months, God willing.

As a result of this new information, the structure of this church may change at some point in the future. My studies seem to indicate that churches, too, are not all created equal. The most common form of organization is to incorporate, then apply for an employer identification number and an IRS tax exempt number. However, when I was first confronted with the IRS filing pack for the tax exempt number almost two years ago, I found a strange statement in the literature: the packet said that churches don't HAVE TO HAVE a tax exempt number to claim tax exemption, but, if the church wished to apply........ then followed the procedure for applying. I thought this was strange, as most things concerning the tax code and the way our government does business are a little strange, as if they are hiding something (AND MY RECENT STUDIES SHOW THAT THEY ARE HIDING A GREAT DEAL FROM THE PEOPLE). The church was to instruct donors to go ahead and deduct their donations anyway, even if the church hadn't applied for exemption. The question in my mind was: "What does the church give up for this tax exempt number?"

Recent study has shown that the traditional process ESSENTIALLY STRIPS CHURCHES OF MOST IF NOT ALL OF THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, REPLACING THEM WITH GOVERNMENT PRIVILEGES (which is like the trick played on people in general--- they have, without even knowing it, given up their Constitutional rights in exchange for civil rights, which is entirely different, and the reason that so many "tax protesters" have not been permitted to bring the Constitution up as a legal defense in court: they have forfeited that right through a process too complicated to discuss now).

Some churches have begun to wake up to this fact, and are disincorporating and reorganizing as trusts or associations. One very famous institution that apparently has done this (I have written for verification) is Bob Jones University. If you will recall, some years ago Bob Jones University was under pressure from the government to do things its way. Then, the issue dropped from the Establishment media.

Apparently, the reason this case dropped from the Establishment media is because they made a discovery they don't want people to make: they solved their problem by disincorporating and by reorganizing as a trust. The trust can be constructed as a sovereign entity, basically immune totally to government pronouncements and policies, with the full rights guaranteed it by the Constitution and by common law.

Evidently, the bureaucrats in Washington didn't want you or me to discover this way out of their little game! And, as I have found, what works with churches can also be done for individuals and businesses! INDIVIDUALS CAN BECOME SOVEREIGN STATE CITIZENS, AND BUSINESSES CAN REORGANIZE AS SOVEREIGN BUSINESS TRUSTS! They then have full RIGHTS as opposed to mere CIVIL RIGHTS, which Congress can change at any time.

Our Founding Fathers of this great nation hated the tyranny of the King of England, and, to make sure that it never happened again, ESTABLISHED INDIVIDUAL, AS OPPOSED TO NATIONAL, SOVEREIGNTY! But, in the 1800's a new, or 14th Amendment form of citizenship was created, which was, essentially, a form of second class citizenship.

Another strange thing found throughout history until this century is the fact that for hundreds and hundreds of years both individual trusts and business trusts were the most popular and common vehicles, while incorporation was created much more recently.

Remember that the legislation for breaking up monopolies is called "antitrust" legislation, not "anti-corporate holding company." Why? The answer is that most businesses were created then as BUSINESS TRUSTS -- so why the switch? Why don't our lawyers even get training in setting them up? Well, the answer appears to be that a business trust properly constructed can ignore Washington, and most of local government too -- and may not have to pay most of the taxes a corporation does!

I really do have to break off this discussion because of lack of space, but I hope to continue it soon as my investigations continue.

But WHY am I writing about this in a RELIGIOUS publication? Simply put, in order to fully understand the magnitude of how Satan has deceived this world, AND IN ORDER TO FREE OURSELVES FROM HIS CHAINS OF BONDAGE, WE MUST LEARN ALL WE CAN TO DEFEND OURSELVES!

America is a unique country, created by God so that His Gospel could go out to the world as a witness before the end of the Age. In no other country have people had the freedom and the resources, both given by God, to proclaim this Gospel.

We must have our lives UNIFIED IN CHRIST. Therefore, anything that destroys the freedom of God's people, and hinders them from making a living, hurts this Work of God. We are a family, therefore, THE CHURCH IS CONCERNED THAT YOU PROSPER AND BE IN HEALTH IN EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE, AND IT IS OUR DUTY, THEREFORE, TO SEEK OUT AND BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE THAT WILL ENHANCE YOUR LIFE!

If you want more information on some of the above issues, feel free to write. We have an affiliated organization, Destiny Worldwide Associates, that helps people achieve their potential physically, just as the Church helps people attain their potential spiritually!

And, for those of you who haven't yet read it, please write in immediately for our book, The Restoration of Truth. This book answers the big questions, questions such as: "Why was I born? What is the purpose in my life? How can I attain my full potential?"

You need this book, so why don't you ask for it TODAY, while you can still get God's precious Truth? And, for those of you reading this publication on America Online, the book is available for download in the religion library center. We hope to also get this posted on Compuserve soon.

So, until next time, may God bless and prosper you, and bring you into the knowledge of His Truth more and more! *****************************

UPDATE: Remember, The Restoration Church of God provides ministerial counseling through e-mail on Prodigy (#AGHS49A) and America Online (username: Mjohnall), or by Internet to America Online, as well as through the mail or telephone. Also, if you prefer, you may make donations of $15.00 or more by Visa, MC, or AMEX/Optima, either by e-mail or regular mail. GOD'S WORK DESPERATELY NEEDS YOUR HELP TO GREATLY EXPAND THIS MINISTRY! WE THANKYOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR HELP!

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