Like to Address the government conspiracy issue just a little, of which i am persuaded is somewhat viable yet not entirely, for it seems that governments are moveing in sinc, in reguards to those issues relating to the global political, financial and religious unity and order of the ONE WORLD format, that the scriptures tell the time of this happening is when all these things forms toward this end through the manipulation of the issues and heavyer persuations inside the bodies of the governments in all these areas (political, religious (ie ufology), and financial) to a one world Cashless financial state headed by a younge man, whos mark and signature of this cashless system is "sixhundred threescore and six" or 666 Told to us in Revealation. We have see this movment or push in introducing steps toward this cashless way already with us, but explained (as always) for the good of the people or for better progress so forth. . what ever clock of innocents works. One example is the sly appearance of the UPC code.
The UPC code (universal product code) as you know is the tag that is on most products bought and sold. It looks like a series of little lines or bars that the salesperson or clerk scans with to read all the info pertaining to it. Though this may not directly be the Mark pertaining to the antichrist; for the beasts mark would be on the persons hand and forhead; but it is clear that it is a major stepping stone to that goal. Even with this UPC can we see the apearant # 666 revelant; which is not shown but rather kept from the public; its very design is made so that it would be difficult for people to understand what the series of numbers and lines are all about.
Here is a general (unrealistic) type of what a upc code is made up like there are smaller and even larger forms than this but all carry the same basic pattern. (Note, in a real upc, the lines above the numbers vary in their thickness) To understand this code, first we must see the relationship the lines has with the numbers : On many UPC s there are usually 12 numbers shown, in the way we see it in the above example; five from the left of center five from the right of center and then the final two last digits, one on the extreme right and one on the extreme left, = 12.
Now understand that each # is represented by a set of lines above it, (as shown above also) for example each single # is represented by "two" lines above it. These lines are called bars and as i said, every single # is assigned two bars; you may find that one line may be thinner than the other or the other is thicker than the one. . . (which i did not show here). . this is to actually identify the # its associated with. (i will come to that) Now if we assume that each set (two bars) go for one digit, then why are there more sets than there are numbers ? In this instance there are 12 numbers shown, so there should be 12 corisponding sets of lines; but instead we find 15 sets; there are 3 extra numbers seem to be missing.
These are the sets that do not have the numbers showing to represent them; the extreme set to the right, the extreme set to the left, and the set in the very center. Notice this to be the case in most all upc symbols. These same three numbers that are not apparent here are in fact the numbers 666. These numbers are purposely withheld from the publics knowledge as is the code to decipher the meaning of the upc. Yet the # 666 is also found in the identification of many other things, such as credit cards personal id cards banking cards ect. its usage represents and speaks for the one world order or global dictatorship (that is not known by the general public); hence the given use of the "U" in upc :(universal)
The secret to understanding how to break the upc code is in the pattern of the bars/lines. What i mean by patterns is the thickness or thinness of each line and the size of the gap that separates the two lines in a set.
For example: i have a jar of
coffee with me now as i am typing this, and one of the numbers on
the upc here is "0" and the corresponding pattern to 0 here is a
thick line followed by a thin line, which are separated by a
lager gap. . . something like this:
So in other words, every digit is identified by the pattern of the bar code above it.
Yet it is important now to know that each number has more than one pattern that identifies it. For many times you may see, that on one place, the pattern to a number may be different to the same # somewhere else, or the same numbers may show up twice on one upc, but have different patterns; So keep in mind, there are more than one pattern to each number; most having 3 to 4 with no more than 5. (this is also done to make it difficult for those who try to understand it.
Let us look at the # 6 specifically. Of all the sixes found in
UPC s they will all fall into one of three patterns;
a thin line then a thick line, (little gap between them),
or a thin line followed by a thin line (little gap),
or finally a thin line then a thin line (with large gap).
I may be wrong with the last one here. . i am going from memory on that; (when your money fails) but there remains the three patters none-the-less. If you personally investigated this from the UPC codes you will find this out.
The second pattern to the # 6, we found as: a thin line then a
thin line with little gap between; Well this is the same pattern
that is found in those three places where there were no numbers:
Notice on the UPCs, the pattern to the set or code on the very first, very last and very center; they are all the same pattern; which is one of the three patters that indicate 6. If you look at the upcs that has the # 6 showing you will soon find one of the patters above that 6, matches those (first, middle and last) codes that have no numbers apearent
Also; with the only two numbers that are not located directly
under their bar set, which lay at each side of the upc, it is best
to ignore this; and act as if they were under their respective
bar sets, which are the only two not accounted for:
So the digit 0 here on the left of the upc belongs under the bar code next to the digit 1, and the same with the right side; the digit 1 belongs to the set second from the last.
Long ago when this first came into the market there was not much attention paid to it; this upc was ushered in so secretivly without any public awareness or scrutiny of any decision on the matter; as i can remember. With the medias help and power, have we had the wool pulled over our eyes on this one. . . a steppingstone into the global, financial and religious world order of the man of sin.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hands, or in their foreheads; " "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. " Rev 13:16, 17