Sponsors for constitutional amendment for teacher-led prayer

The following list of sponsors for the proposed constitutional amendment for teacher-led school prayer introduced by Rep. Istook. It was received from his offices on November 29, 1994. Passing this amendment would revoke the First Amendment to the USA Constitution, and deny YOU the right of freedom of religion.
Cosponsor Matrix for H.J.Res. 424
Voluntary School Prayer Amendment

     Cosponsor Name           State     CD   Party     Cosponsor
1.   Armey, Richard           TX        26   R         10-06-94
2.   Bachus, Spencer          AL        06   R         10-06-94
3.   Baker, Bill              CA        10   R         10-06-94
4.   Ballenger, Cass          NC        10   R         10-06-94
5.   Barrett, Bill            NE        03   R         10-06-94
6.   Bartlett, Roscoe         MD        06   R         10-06-94
7.   Batement, Herbert        VA        01   R         10-06-94
8.  *Brewster, Bill           OK        03   D         10-06-94
9.   Bunning, Jim             KY        04   R         10-06-94
10.  Callahan, Sonny          AL        01   R         10-06-94
11. *Condit, Gary             CA        18   D         10-06-94
12.  DeLay, Tom               TX        22   R         10-06-94
13.  Dickey, Jay              AR        04   R         10-06-94
14.  Doolittle, John          CA        04   R         10-06-94
15.  Dornan, Robert           CA        46   R         10-06-94
16.  Duncan, John             TN        02   R         10-06-94
17.  Emerson, Bill            MO        08   R         10-06-94
18.  Everett, Terry           AL        02   R         10-06-94
19.  Ewing, Thomas            IL        15   R         10-06-94
20. *Geren, Pete              TX        12   D         10-06-94
21.  Gingrich, Newt           GA        06   R         10-06-94
22.  Goodlatte, Bob           VA        06   R         10-06-94
23. *Hall, Ralph              TX        04   D         10-06-94
24.  Hancock, Mel             MO        07   R         10-06-94
25.  Hansen, James            UT        01   R         10-06-94
26.  Herger, Wally            CA        02   R         10-06-94
27. *Hutto, Earl              FL        01   D         10-06-94
28.  Hyde, Henry              IL        06   R         10-06-94
29.  Inhofe, James            OK        01   R         10-06-94
30.  Kingston, Jack           GA        01   R         10-06-94
31.  Livingston, Bob          LA        01   R         10-06-94
32.  Lucas, Frank             OK        06   R         10-06-94
33.  McCollum, Bill           FL        08   R         10-06-94
34. *McNulty, Michael         NY        21   D         10-06-94
35.  Moorhead, Carlos         CA        27   R         10-06-94
36. *Orton, Bill              UT        03   D         10-06-94
37.  Packard, Ron             CA        48   R         10-06-94
38.  Roberts, Pat             KS        01   R         10-06-94
39.  Skeen, Joe               NM        02   R         10-06-94
40.  Solomon, Gerald          NY        22   R         10-06-94
41.  Stearns, Cliff           FL        06   R         10-06-94
42.  Taylor, Charles          NC        11   R         10-06-94
43. *Taylor, Gene             MS        05   D         10-06-94
44.  Vucanovich, Barbara      NV        02   R         10-06-94
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