Anonymous asked this question on 3/24/2000:
My personal tutor keeps inferring that my innocent requests to improve my exam results, and let her in on the more personal aspects of my life such as my son and daughter, are too personal for her to handle. Thus she claims she does not want to be my saviour in life. I see this as a rejection of my capabilities, and therefore sexual harassment. In the fact that she has a phd., so I see her as my mentor, in a strict academic sense. Am I being sexually harassed? One thing I understand as a fact. I feel subdued by her actions.
MARTIE gave this response on 3/31/2000:
I do not believe this is sexual harassment,but I do think you are right about a mentor.I feel a person should have a relationship with teachers,Dr,any one you feel close enough to.If she is not interested in helping you emoionally then she has lost site of her emoional side, its her loss.Martie
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 4/1/2000:
My sexual harassment comes from the fact that my personal tutor is a lesbian. She is taking out her anger on me,because I have a penis. This show of cartharthism, on her behalf could be a definition of penis envy. (Freud, 1923) How ever if I showed any of my tutors or lecturers what I thought was really going on they would kick me off my course.Sure Fish!!! NO PRUJUDICE!!!
MARTIE gave this response on 4/1/2000:
I see exactly what you are saying now,I was sexually assulted at work in Dec and went and told on this man.I got into trouble for telling because he is a freind of his (my Boss).This also sounds like discrimination,it is a sad thing when you can't say anything and it shouldn't be that way.Martie
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