jeanette293 asked this question on 3/27/2000:
Where can I find information on date rape statistic and laws?
hrpro2000 gave this response on 3/28/2000:
Here is an excellent source of a wide range of information regarding "acquaintance rape" commonly known as "date rape"...
^copy and paste the above into your browser^
As an aside, I still struggle with finding any distinction between rape & date rape. Isn't Rape Rape?... I do see the fact that it is someone that is trusted, committing a violent criminal act against a friend or acquaintance and that this constitutes a vicious betrayal. However, I think that using the term "date rape" deminishes the crime for many out there. For that reason, I think I would prefer to call it rape. (a rose by any other name.....)
The average rating for this answer is 5.
jeanette293 rated this answer a 5.
Thanks I too agree rape is rape but I specified information on this because I have a paper to do on date rape.