Anonymous asked this question on 3/24/2000:
My personal tutor keeps inferring that my innocent requests to improve my exam results, and let her in on the more personal aspects of my life such as my son and daughter, are too personal for her to handle. Thus she claims she does not want to be my saviour in life. I see this as a rejection of my capabilities, and therefore sexual harassment. In the fact that she has a phd., so I see her as my mentor, in a strict academic sense. Am I being sexually harassed? One thing I understand as a fact. I feel subdued by her actions.
josh_gibbs gave this response on 3/26/2000:
It seems that you are the party providing the only aspect of sexual harassment in this situation. This is because you are offering personal information about yourself without inquiry.
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 3/29/2000:
How do you define a well refined statement? The relationship between I and my personal tutor should go far beyond the realms of academia. In truth I should be able to tell my presonal tutor anything about the whole of my life and she should view this in an objective manner. Thus pointing out the idiosyncracies of my subjective outlook. In plain English she should give me a little encouragement to improve my academic situation, not just point out the negative self-fullfilling prophecy. In the interim of seding in the last question, on sexual harassment. I have read up in psychology that Lecturers & Tutors, can often suffer with a psychological condition known as "BURN OUT" Where it would appear they treat their students with contempt.
Anonymous asked this follow-up question on 4/7/2000:
C'mon Josh stop sulking and talk to me?
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