cres18 asked this question on 5/1/2000:
What are the solutions of sex harrasment?
AskRawgod gave this response on 5/5/2000:
Dear Cres18
I don't know whether you are asking this question from a factual viewpoint (something you are experiencing) or from a philosophical viewpoint (can humanity solve this problem?), but since you have given latitude for us to answer, I am going to choose the second possibility. If you need help with an actual problem, I hope you will get back to me and state the actual circumstances. But, from a philosophical viewpoint, this is how we get rid of sexual harassment, rape, jealousy, and all kinds of other things. Too bad the present state of humanity will not allow this to happen:
********************************* The best way to end sexual harassment is to take all the secrecy surrounding sex away. First of all, free up the human body to be looked at and appreciated by all, including children. Next, get rid of any and ALL ideas of sexual ownership; make sex available to all, by all, with all. Third, teach children (and all adults too) that responsibilty for their actions lies with them, and ONLY THEM. Last, get rid of all present forms of government, and ALL PRESENT IDEAS OF RELIGION. Allow people to decide for themselves what is right and wromg, both in their daily lives (government) and in their spiritual lives (religion).
I don't have time and space here to expand fully on even one of these ideas, so I will try to give a quick synopsis of why each of these steps, in combination with the others, will help to cure MOST of the ills of present day human societies.
1) Taking away the secrecy - By making the human body a visible beauty, that is, nudity by choice, this removes the secrecy. The human body is a beautiful thing, and should be encouraged to be looked at and appreciated, just like any beautiful creation. If the human body is not hidden away, and treated like a flower to be plucked, it will become an everday thing, taken for granted. No one will be offended by being looked at, and no one will offend by looking.
I know that by today's standards people will say I'm crazy, that not everybody wants to be looked at, that there are bodies that nobody wants to see, and that taking away the mystery will take away the "specialness" of love. To begin, the only people who don't want to be looked at are the ones who are TOLD they are not beautiful. Take away that manufactured idea of beauty we have, and ALL BODIES BECOME BEAUTIFUL, as they should be. The same with there being bodies "nobody wants to see"; let it be known that all bodies are beautiful, and variety will become a positive factor, not a negative one. As far as the "specialness" of love, where has this got us so far? We are sexually obsessed at the same time as being sexually repressed. From the time we humans hit puberty, sex is the main driving force in our lives. To deny its existence only increases our obsession with it. By freeing us to explore our sexuality right from the get-go, without denying it in ANY way, we will finally be able to learn to treat sex in a mature manner. We may lose the urgency of falling in love (when what we are really doing is redirecting our lust), but we will replace that feeling wth something new, something we cannot even imagine right now, something that will be even more beautiful and expressive than love. Just because we cannot imagine it right now does not mean it will not come. I am very sure our primate ancestors knew nothing about love, it is not natural, no matter what we think. We manufactured the idea of love, we can manufacture something even better.
(End of Page One)
AskRawgod gave this follow-up answer on 5/5/2000:
2) Get rid of any and ALL ideas of sexual ownership; make sex available to all, by all, with all. With our present knowledge of birth control there is no LOGICAL reason in this world of ours for anyone to get pregnant unless they want to. This fact, if properly attended to, would allow all people, but especially those just passing puberty, to experiment with and fully explore sexual behaviour and contact. If, by the time teenagers were 14 or 15, they already knew all about how to make love, and how their own bodies work, then they would be able to make intelligent and informed decisions about sex. This would prevent sexual ownership, which is a big factor at present in how people view one another, and all of those views are negative, as long as one looks only at the facts, and disregards the emotional involvement. Removing sexual ownership opens sexual union up to any two consenting persons, and, since sex is so available, sexual frustration becomes a thing of the past. Without sexual frustration there is no rape, nor is there sexual harassment. Sexual abuse also disappears, though this one will take more than what I have postulated so far.
3) Teach children (and all adults too) that responsibilty for their actions lies with them, and ONLY THEM. On the surface this seems to have no connection to the eradication of sexual deviancies. But, once all people know that they alone are responsible for their actions, not God, not government, not society, not their parents, but THEM AND THEM ALONE, they will learn to treat others EXACTLY THE WAY THEY WANT TO BE TREATED THEMSELVES (The Golden Rule???). When taking this idea into the sexual realm, now we can thoroughly eradicate sexual abuse, including the sexual abuse of children. With each passing generation the idea of child abuse will become a memory, and then just a thing of the past. Ninety-nine per cent of all child abusers were themselves abused as children. If even we could cut that by a third in each generation, it would not take long before there was so little it could be treated as an abberation, and then an oddity, and finally as a solved problem. All it takes is for each person to be responsible for all their actions, which seems impossible right now, but would not be with the proper teaching of our children.
4) Last, get rid of all present forms of government, and ALL PRESENT IDEAS OF RELIGION. Allow people to decide for themselves what is right and wrong, both in their daily lives (government) and in their spiritual lives (religion).
One of the biggest problems with present human society is that no ones shows ANY TRUST in the common person. Yet, it is the common person where all our hope lies. At present people are given NO CREDIT by their rulers (governmental or religious) to know the right way to act. Someone so far out of touch with the common person is the one making rules and laws, and the common person is just a piece of driftwood on the vast ocean, thrown around by waves they have no hope of ever understanding. This takes all the "personal" out of the rules and laws, and replaces it with the "impersonal," to which there is no reason for loyalty.
Give the common person back the feeling that they matter in a personal way, and not only will they learn to take responsibility for themselves, but they will be able to translate that responsibility to all other people. If they see someone else doing something they consider wrong they will not walk on by, or watch to see what happens, they will intervene, and prevent it from happening.
Once this happens there will no longer be any need for government as we know it, nor will there even be any need for religion as we know it. There will no longer be any idea of sin, and "evil" will cease to exist. (But that discussion is for another time and place.)
Taken all together, these four steps, with all that pertains to them, will eradicate all sexual problems between people. All the sexual deviancies that presently exist will disappear, amongst them sexual harrassment.
Comments, please?