BrainMaster500 asked this question on 4/21/2000:
What does sexual harassment really mean and how do we know when open flirting becomes sexual harassment? Answers please. I have one so tell me yours!
jorgensk gave this response on 4/27/2000:
My response is: sexually-related behavior that makes the target uncomfortable. also, and this should be made very clear, that's only if it is frequent and the person doing it means to make someone else uncomfortable. you cna tell if someone doesn't like your advances, usually, and if you continue, you are harrassing them. many say they didn't know it was that when they did it. i always ask them that if someone else did that to them (and usually I tell them to think of an unappealing person - to make them think more seriously on it), how would they feel? If it's someone you don't like or think of in that manner, it can be very uncomfortable. Many advances occur alone or through private things like e-mail. This makes the one being targetted feel like they are helpless. If you think you have harrassed someone, ask that person if there's anything you have done that upset them and that you never meant to give away that feeling. If you are a victim, tell the person who has done the harassing and if they don't stop, tell your supervisor, or the next in command.
The average rating for this answer is 4.8.
BrainMaster500 rated this answer a 5.
Thanx for the answer, you sound like a very sweet sensitive person. Stay that way!!!!