Anonymous asked this question on 4/25/2000:
I am a union official and am interested in getting a mediation program started at the company where I work. I think management would like this also. How do you start programs and how much does it cost?
ResolutionEssentials gave this response on 4/25/2000:
In a company that is represented by a union I recommend that a mediation program be started as a partnership between management and union. Talk with your counterpart in management and get their buy-in first. The nest step is to find a reputable consultant (with references) that will be able to customize a program just for you. Look for a firm that has experienced mediators to conduct your training. Mediation is not an exact science so you need people who have had actual experience and success in conducting mediations. Be careful, there are alot of people out there who decided to become mediators because of their former professions such as law, counseling etc. This does not necessarily make them good mediators. In fact, this can actually get in the way of good mediation practices. Depending on the number of employees and your location, costs of setting up a program can vary drastically. Whatever the cost though it can very quicklt be recouped. One EEO Complaint averages $75,000! Other litigations run in the $100,000 range. You should be able to start a program for under $20,000. You can see the cost saving. For instance, one company that we designed a program for saved over $6 million in the first 6 months. If you would like information about my Consulting Business I will be anxious to send you some prices. Just contact me at or call (440) 878-9167. Also, check with other consulting firms and do some price shopping.
The average rating for this answer is 5.
Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Thanks for the info. I will be contacting your company.