BrainMaster500 asked this question on 4/21/2000:
What does sexual harassment really mean and how do we know when open flirting becomes sexual harassment? Answers please. I have one so tell me yours!
ResolutionEssentials gave this response on 4/25/2000:
There are many ways a person (male or female) can be sexually harrassed. An easy way to answer this is to ask, "Are you being made to feel uncomfortable by another person's behavior that is sexually oriented?" This could be by words, actions, pictures and even looks or glances. You do however, have the responsibility to make it known that the incidents are unwanted. Keep in mind that the difference between flirting and sexual harrassment is motive. Flirting is usually to attract you and sexual harrassment is to control you. And yes, when flirting does not get the results the person hoped for, the next step may be to "make" you submit. That is why it is so important for you to let the other person know that you are not interested. It shows you exactly when and if the flirting moves to harrassing. I know it is not easy to confront the other person because of many reasons. You may be afraid that you will offend him/her or you may be afraid of his/her reaction. This is not an easy situation. It requires great strength and possibly diplomacy but it is absolutely necessary. By all means confide in someone that you can trust about what is going on. Not only will you need the moral support but you could use them as a witness if the situation is not corrected. Good luck.
The average rating for this answer is 4.5.
BrainMaster500 rated this answer a 5.
Thanx for the answer but I'm not getting harassed it was just a question! I'm a women and I just want to be prepared in case something of this nature does happen to me! :)