Anonymous asked this question on 3/24/2000:
My personal tutor keeps inferring that my innocent requests to improve my exam results, and let her in on the more personal aspects of my life such as my son and daughter, are too personal for her to handle. Thus she claims she does not want to be my saviour in life. I see this as a rejection of my capabilities, and therefore sexual harassment. In the fact that she has a phd., so I see her as my mentor, in a strict academic sense. Am I being sexually harassed? One thing I understand as a fact. I feel subdued by her actions.
jellygator gave this response on 4/2/2000:
Is there a specific reason that she would need to know information about your personal life? She is a mentor for the classes in which she's tutoring you, but I don't think that this would be viewed in court as being an obligation to mentor you in other areas.
If you wish to get her advice or suggestions on personal aspects of your life because they have an effect on your studies, talk to her about this. Ask her whether she would be willing to help you with an issue that is affecting your studies. I'm certain she will say yes. Then you can ask her, but stick to the topic--only what affects your studies directly.
She is also in a tricky position because if she did allow you to talk about personal issues that were not related to her tutoring you, she could face ethical questions and accusations of unprofessionalism.
jellygator gave this follow-up answer on 4/3/2000:
It's possible that she's getting carried away and seeing more than what is there, but does that really change anything about what you have to learn & what she can teach? Focus on your studies since she's apparently unwilling to allow any interpersonal communication. There's no "right" answer, but since you can't change her attitude, there's not much point in fighting it, either. Good luck.
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Anonymous rated this answer a 5.
Thankyou jellygator for pointing out my inadequacies. I can relate to the point of un professionlaism,but do you not think, my personal tutor is making a lot of inferences whe n she suggests I have invited her to be my saviour?