"If a man pretend to me that God hath spoken to him supernaturally and
immediately, and I make doubt of it, I cannot easily perceive what
argument he can produce, to oblige me to believe it... To say that
God... hath spoken to him in a dream, is no more than to say he
dreamed that God spake to him." - Hobbes 'Leviathan'
"Evolution works just fine. Albeit it is a tad slow in weeding out
imperfections. Example: you're still here." -- Marty Leipzig
"God does not like to be told he does not exist." - Richard Thorneycroft
"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is
about a socialist, anti-family political movement that
encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children,
practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians."
-- PAT ROBERTSON in a fund-raising letter, summer 1982.
"Only morons like you, without so much as a clue, claim that
we came from apes. In fact, if I were an ape, I'd find you,
rip your arms out of their sockets (just to get your attention)
and tell you I'm deeply insulted." -- Marty Leipzig
"Fundies lie. Fossils don't." -- Marilyn Burge
Fundamentalism: The sagacity of Bozo and the wit of Hitler.
"If you ate a hamburger in front of a Hindu, would he have a cow?"
"We didn't send you to Washington to make intelligent decisions.
We sent you to represent us." --- Kent York, Baptist minister to
US Rep. Bill Sarpalius.
"...the Bible has always been proven correct in the long run,
while there is not a shred of evidence to support it." -- Raoul
Arthur Raymond Newt
"I am pro-life. I'm in agreement that not only is the
abortionist a mass murderer, but that the mother who
consented to the abortion is a murderer. Both are worthy
of the death penalty." -- Arthut Biele
"Then Hector, after I stuff it, would you please
kiss my Holy, royal red American, Christian ass?
Then I will do like Jesus said, I will turn the
other cheek so you can kiss it to, you pompous
little geek. Get a life." -- Johnny Mckinney
"The Church is very tolerant, as is proven by God not sending a
lightening bolt to fry those who blaspheme in the manner which
the ULC [Universal Life Church] does - particularly by taking
something which God and millions of men hold sacred, and then
attempting to make a joke of it, belittling it, and smearing it
with every type of ridicule you can think of." - Fr. Lee Mc Colloster
"1 + 1 may not always equal two, because no one has done
it a trillion times yet!" -- Russ Wuertz
"If we don't deal with our economic issues, we'll need more than
prayer to solve our problems." -- Michigan Governor John Engler,
urging fellow Repubs in Congress not to emphasize social issues
like school prayer
"You are not a god yet. You have the potential to
become one though.... Just thought you would like
to know that." -- Ric Remington
"Just because I am willing to debate Christianity does not
mean that I am here to learn any truth contrary to my
beliefs." --- Kenneth Mcabee
"Anyone who turns water into wine is an infidel." --- Sheik
Badreddine Sayegh
"If your superstition is so strong that you can't handle
being in a classroom which is neutral to superstition,
then *you* have to be the one who pays for the alternative
program, NOT the government." -- Karen Davis
"Free people need no ball and chain of religious superstition.
If you find it comforting, though - wear it." -- Robert Curry
"But no one has proved that the Bible is *not* God's Word, have
they ? That's what I mean when I say that faith is more powerful
than logic." - Edward Hopkins
"Web sites are rather like bathrooms. You can get a drink there
but you better know if you are drinking from the toilet, or from
the sink." --- George Rudzinski
"When you turn on CNN one day, and see that somewhere near a
billion people have disappeared without a trace, and it just
happens to have been the Christian church; start reading
Revelation." -- Doug Brewer
"Do you realize that this echo is breaking the second
commandment?" -- Christopher Calabrese
"I am capable of being selfish. Indeed, if there were no God, I
would _have_ to be selfish, I believe, because there would be no
one else watching out for me, and no reason to put anyone or
anything ahead of me." - Jesse C. Jones
"The Will of God is the sanctuary of ignorance." -- Spinoza
"If cattle and horses, or lions, had hands, or were able to draw
with their feet and produce the works which men do, horses would
draw the forms of gods like horses, and cattle like cattle, and
they would make the gods' bodies the same shape as their own."
--- Xenophanes
"Well, that is my fate: and it is as natural for us Flatlanders
to lock up a Square for preaching the Third Dimension, as it
is for you Spacelanders to lock up a Cube for preaching the
Fourth." -- A. Square (Christianity in two dimentions)
"In defense of those to whom God speaks directly, at least they
know how to issue a good, old-fashioned, thundering denunciation.
If their words had the power that their rhetoric deserves,
various male generative organs would long since have shriveled up
and fallen off." - Jerry Schwartz 142/928
"God says the Bible is true. Anyone who says differently is
contradicting God. This is wickedness. It does not matter
how many Hebrew scolars you consult, calling God a liar will
always be sin. Looking for contradictions in scripture is
looking to catch God in a lie, because God says the Bible
is true." --- Michael Courtney (michael@amo.mit.edu)
"The Church hates a thinker precisely for the same reason a
robber dislikes a sheriff, or a thief despises the prosecuting
witness." --- Robert Ingersoll, _Individuality_
"You think about things too much. This is a very simple
concept to grasp, but you just can't accept something that
is simple. You need to overthink everything. Just like
God, if you just turned down your intellect just a little
bit, and looked at the situation with your heart, you
would see that he is truly there." -- Shawn Swanner
"That there are things in the Bible that I cannot
understand, sort of proves it not to have come from
the mind of humans." -- Phil Morrison
"Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning
faith. I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely
vile." --- KURT VONNEGUT, JR.
"Do we, holding that the gods exist, deceive ourselves with
unsubstantiated dreams, and lies, while random careless chance
and change alone rule the world?" --- EURIPIDES, 425 B.C.
"The certainty of a god giving meaning to life far surpasses
in attractiveness the ability to behave badly with impunity."
--- ALBERT CAMUS (1913-1960), The Myth Of Sisyphus, 1942.
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they
do it from a religious conviction." --- BLAISE PASCAL (1632-
1662), Pensees, 1670.
"But when the divine part began to fade away, they then behaved
unseemly and grew visibly debased, full of avarice and
righteous power." --- PLATO (427-347 BC)
"God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless,
the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in his arms,
but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated
egos; He will set them above their betters." --- H. L. MENCKEN
(1880-1956), Minority Report, 1956.
"If you think it requires faith to disbelieve in Santa Claus,
press 1 now. If you look forward to seeing infidels roasting in
hell, press 2. If a demonic power is conspiring with the world
to persecute you, press 3. For operator assistance, press 4,
and you will be laughed at shortly." -- Robert Curry
"I have been getting valgarity messages, I thought
you would like to know. LIke this, and consider this
one, also sacrigious too." -- Marguerite Kendall
McCullough's Law: anyone under the control of an authority tends to
be / become inimical to anyone NOT under control of the same authority.
"May your lips be seared with hot coals, blasphemer!"
--- Jim Staal (Homophobic, anti-woman Christan bigot)
"Billy Graham has done more harm to the cause of christianity
than any man alive." --- Christianity Today (x, no.13, 1 April 1966)
"If only earthquakes would hit every major city at the same time,
the world would be a nice place for a couple days" --- Shawn Swanner
"I also know from experience that if a spell is cast on a buddist, a
humanist, or any else, the spell my penetrate. But, on a christian,
the spell is powerless." --- Jose Gomez
"Ban 'gay pride' parades. I find them to be discriminating and a
source of social unrest and upheaval." --- Jim Staal
"If you had just stayed home in your closet, they would never have
known that you are Black, (oh wait, that wasn't it), Jewish? I
forgot, what is your crime?" --- Jack O'Neill
"This would probably explain why YOU have not been allowed to know
secrets of the universe... YOU cannot be trusted with the important
knowledge." --- George Pope (to Fredric Rice)
"Lack of belief in god does not constitute a religion any more than
lack of belief in UFOs constitutes a space program." --- Larry Haftl,
"Not only is it manifest that *most* of the atheists in this hell hole
do not have a clue about doing good, your post aptly reveals the
underlying hatefulness that drives you here. I am praying for your
soul, Stevie." --- Jesse Jones (Fundie talking about HolySmoke)
"The study of geology is ok-But not when it contradicts what is laid
out in the Bible that the earth is more than 10,000 years old."
--- Doug Lee, Creationist
"You are nothing but a stupid atheist pig, with the IQ of a
democrat." --- Christopher Calabrese
"But a far more fascinating read for you would be a book by Richard
Dawkins called _The Blind Watchmaker_. The two books together are
an education all by themselves, and they are written by two men who
have devoted their entire lives to understanding what makes the world
and the lifeforms on it tick, just as your preacher has devoted his
life to finding out how to make people belief the Bible without
ever reading it on their own." --- Marilyn Burge
"Secondly if gays were to marry the human race would go extint"
--- John Sinrud (packerkim@montana.campus.mci.net)
"Who needs a mind when one has a bible?" - David Rice
"Psychiatrists are in business for one reason only, to control or
kill as many beings as possible." --- Scott Rider
"As you encounter people with IQs above average you notice that the
belief in the boogie man begins to wane, and by the time it reaches
about 110 god-belief starts to disappear." - Bill Bell, paraphrased
"I'm not lying. I saw it on Unsolved Mysteries." --- Alan Presley
OF JUDGEMENT WILL COME FOR YOU!!!!!!" - Steven Ricketts
"All home-schooling will do is guarantee your kids are as stupid
as you are." - Marilyn Burge
"1 Sam 15:3 Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they
have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and
suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass." -- God's Family Values
"If there is such a thing as homosexual love, certainly it would be
equal to heterosexual love. But I am not yet convinced that people
of the same sex can genuinely love each other in a romantic way.
Can they love each other? Sure, but it may not be the same type
of love." - Ken Young (Jewish parents don't love their children like
us Nazi German parents do.)
"Those who avoid decapitation leave more offspring." -- Carl Sagan
"I'll bet he doesn't have the guts to commit hara kiri again."
"When the rain started, the mountains fled to high ground?" - David Rice
"I would say that you should be what you were made to be. If you were
created white, stay that way. If you were made male, stay that way.
And if you were made heterosexual, AS WE ALL WERE, stay that way."
--- Ken Young
"All of the gods love atheists. The proof is that they gave atheists
the finest human minds on Earth. All of the substandard minds went
to Fundamentalist Muslims, Hindus, Christians, and assorted theists."
--- David Rice (June, 1997)
"My childhood hero was Wonder Woman. For both obvious reasons."
--- David Rice
"Forensic geology: it pays to know your schist" -- Marty Leipzig
"Listening to a Xtian lecture about love is like listening to
Hitler expound on the positive aspects of global Judaism."
--- Marty Leipzig
"The road to perdition have ever been accomplished by lip service
to an ideal." --- Einstein
"Politics is a pendulum whose swing between anarchy and tyranny
are fueled by perennially rejuvenated illusion" --- Einstein
"Morality is of the highest importance--- but for us, not for
god." --- Einstein
"As far as I am concerned, I prefer silent vice to ostentatious
virtue." --- Einstien
"I cannot conceive of a god who rewards and punishes his
creatures, or has a will of a kind that we experience in
ourselves." -- Einstien
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of
Truth and Knowldge is shipwreaked by the laughter of the gods."
--- Einstien
"To believe is to be 100% certain about an event or possibility
that is not 100% certain. I assume that next time I travel home
that all the wheels will remain on my car. I do acknowledge,
when I consider it, that there is a small probability that they
may not, but I will proceed on the assumption anyway. I believe
that I am who my mother told me I was. That is exactly the same
kind of assumption. There is a small probability that she lied,
but I carry on anyway. It is therefore a misnomer to use the
word "believe" in that context. The last thing in my life I
actually believed in was a god." --- Dave Hamilton
"I upset most xtian type men. I don't know why. I upset their
wives too, but not as badly. That seems to upset the men even
more. Somehow, I would think that the compassionate inquiry about
what emotional trauma destroyed their manhood would be soothing,
rather than upsetting." --- Katherine Wintersnight
'Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, the church, and
the private schools, supported entirely by private contributions.
Keep the Church and State forever seperate.' - U. S. Grant
"You worship the torture instrument that your god allegedly died
on, I'll worship the tree that it was fashioned from." - Mark Drake
"One day, about 2000 years ago, this guy goes up to this girl
named Mary, and says, 'I'm God, and you shall bear my son'. So
she says, 'Cool', and they fuck, and afterwards, he asks her,
'How old are you?'. She tells him her age, and he says to her,
'Aren't you a little old to be believing in gods'." --- Quentin Fai
"I resign from this echo. Any echo that is too proud to allow
God in it is too proud to have me or my BBS in it. This echo
will now be expelled from my BBS. When you have repented you
may reach me in netmail to apologize and ask me back..."
--- Kit Ballyantine
"Where does your church get more of its support, Bill? From the
scientific community or from the 98% of the world's population
who don't know how a light bulb works?" --- Dave Hamilton
"That reminds me of the psychotic architect fixated on intricate
industrial parks; he had a complex complex complex." --- Marty
"Quick! Go dig a deep hole in your yard! Bend over! Can you
hear the tortured screams of those in hell, you fucking moron?"
--- Richard Smith (To Daniel Wilks)
"I pledge allegiance, to the Banner of Love, of the Eternal City Of
God, and to that Kingdom, for which it stands, one Holy Nation under
God, indivisible, with Liberty, Justice and Righteousness, for all
who trust in the name of Jesus Christ, our King Eternal."
--- Bill Kochman (Adolf Hitler said it better)
"As for the road map, those roads are paved with the bodies of more
than one person who died not for your religion, but because of it."
--- Dan Ceppa
"Just as my goddaughter's stuffed animals say nothing at all
without someone there to give them their voices, these stuffed
gods are likewise speechless without someone around to speak
for them.
"But do the stuffed animals _choose_ "a pure and sanctified
human being through Whom to speak?" Or is the stuffed
thing but a front for the one who actually does the speaking?
"Where is there a god that is not a puppet?" -- Robert Curry
'Why do born-again people so often make you wish they'd never
been born the first time?' - Katherine Whitehorn, British
Journalist, The Observer, May 20, 1979
"Humanism is a very evangelical religion after the control
of the world." --- Mark Fox
"You're like a pack of dogs on a rabbit." --- Maria Russell
"I've also never met a Promise Keeper that I didn't end up deciding
was a weak chinned ninny with major problems concerning his
masculinity." --- Katherine Wintersnight
'There was a time when religion ruled the world. It was known as
the Dark Ages.' --- Ruth Hurmence Green
"No Evidence. Never had any, never will, don't need any and still I
believe. 'Happy are those who have not seen yet believe.'"
--- Robert Burke (Willful ignorance is godly)
Man doyou need to chill out , if you have problems please dont
take these out on other ppl , and where do you get of reading
mail that isnt even addressed for you - 'Barton Chip' (In the echo)
Scientific experiments and various extrapolation methods tell me
that the earth is young. Nothing to do with any religious anything.
- Anonymous Creationist liar
ICR: Inbread Credulous Retards. - David Rice
I believe that all bosses and employers should be able to fire a
homosexual for being gay. However, I also believe they should be
able to fire people for the color of their skin. - Ken Young
Phuck, man --- we live in California. We're no strangers to living
in a foreign country. - David Rice
If I move to Auzyland maybe I'll put up a Crime Syndicate of
Scientology web site so enturbulating I'll make Hubbard rise
from Hell. - David Rice
When one enters Orange County (California), one must present, at
the county line, proof of one's membership in the Republican Party.
I have to smuggle myself in and out. - David Rice
My childhood hero was Wonder Woman. For both obvious reasons.
- David Rice
"Oh, you're a holliday, James! Oooo, such a holiday!"
- David Rice (Abount Jim Staal's gay heros)
There comes a point in every tyrany where the police no longer feel
the need to justify their excesses. - David Rice
In fact, it's amazing that no one has the brains enough, knowing
what I post about, to figure out what exactly I am talking about.
- Ken Young
The blow to the head wasn't hard enough to make me believe in god,
though. Not to worry! - David Rice
A person who does not have sex is neither het nor bi nor homo.
He is non. - Jim Staal (Further amazing insights to come.)
The mind can convince the body it is anything and given time the
body will assimilate those traits and write them into its genetics
like a log book. - White Wolf
This Lamarkian crap has been refuted (i.e. found to be false)
over 100 years ago. Ever hear of the twentieth century?! - David Rice
It wasn't me. It was the one armed bible. - Relatif Tuinn
You see, here we don't have to be polite to you because you have
delusions and call them god(s). We don't have to--- and don't---
give you any more respect than you earn. And you are going to take
a LONG, LONG time getting out of the minus column. - JUDITH BANDSMA
(to 'BOB HYDE')
The activity of a particular group of nuns (which finds no support
in the teachings of Jesus Christ) cannot be posited as evidence for
what 'real' Christianity does to people. - Bob Hyde (They weren't
real Christian nuns torturing children, you see.)
While my religious beliefs say that homosexuality is wrong, I would
feel the same way even if I was not a Christian. - Homophobe Ken Young
I suspect that what Kenny is saying is closer to the truth than even
he realizes. I strongly suspect that these Neanderthals pick the
religion that will reinforce their already-existing biases. That
saves them the trouble of having to take serious inventory of their
bigotries and actually do some psychical digging in order to
rearrange their thinking in a major way. - Marilyn Burge
Notice there's no 'Bible for Dummies?' Way too redundant.
- Marty Leipzig
As you would expect, that lack of evidence leads to some disasterous
choices. Randomly, you'd expect that on a globe of some 5 trillion
people.... - Day Brown (Telling us the Earth's population)
Knock yourself out, but it would be as meaningless to me as an
earth that is 'billions and billions' of years old. - Jim Staal
In reference to my reading comprehension, is not your mother-inlaw
your mother? or your father-inlaw your father? You're splitting
hairs. - Gary Hall
Which pant leg depends upon the mood I'm in. If I'm feeling very
liberal that day, it goes down the left side. If in a moderate mood,
I just unzip. If I am particularly pissed at 'the liberals' I pick
the right pant leg. It's just my little way of protesting.
- David Rice
What you fail to realize is that even you guys will be in for it,
when everything the Illuminatit wants is in place. - Ken Young
(Fundamentalist Christian, obviously)
The freakish cultists among us like to pretend the majority of
the United States is comprised of "Satanists." That
way they can excuse the fact that Christianity doesn't work. -
Fredric Rice
There may be a problem, though. The lobsters used to live some 3000
miles away and at higher latitute. Goddess only knows what they
think of living in California. - David Rice
I converted a picture of David Koreth: now I have a screen Savior.
- David Rice
'Thou shalt not suffer a Fundamentalist Christian to live.'
- David Rice
Religion? Hardly! Though I have been told that the ETs religion
IS the physical laws of the universe. (This was told to me by a
multiple abductee, brother of my late room-mate, who witnessed
several of his abductions, and was also abducted herself several
times.) - Ivy Iverson (From the SKEPTIC echo)
"Hardly, since, as far as I know Dr. Duane T. Gish, has
not 'disavowed' those Paluxy Man tracks! It is evolutionists
who have been desperately trying to disavow them!" -- Liar
"You couldn't be more wrong if you pulled an all nighter and crammed
to be this incorrect." --- Marty Leipzig
"Poverty and excessive population are but symptoms of the main
root of all, not just the 'third world's,' problem; and that is:
ignorance. Ignorance of methods of birth control, ignorance of
agricultural procedures that do not result in sterile topsoil
(if, indeed, any remains). Ignorance of infrastructure to
disburse agricultural products, ignorance of basic scientific
precepts, ignorance manifested by slavish and unthinking
supplication to imaginary deities, et al, ad infinitum, ad
nauseum." --- Marty Leipzig
"Irrigation and manure! Just send in a herd of Jimmy Swaggart
wannabes... with their tearful admissions of being caught with
hookers and the rest of the shit they spew; they're naturals for
re-terraforming." --- Marty Leipzig
"Just out of curiosity, though, Appleton... have you ever conversed
with any adult for more than thirty seconds without having them
realize that you're an insane shithead?" --- Karl Schneider
"A coward has often fought; a coward has often conquered; but a
coward never forgave." --- Steel
"God wiped out entire nations because they practiced homosexuality.
Did you know that was in the Bible? It's an awesome thing to think
about. Amidst all the clamor for 'gay rights,' we ought to pay
careful attention to what God says about homosexuality. God takes
this problem seriously, and He deals with it firmly. He classes
homosexuality among the most vile sins of humankind." --- David
Ragland (telling god what to do)
Laugh my tush off as i watch you burn in the Christian hell forever.
- Raoul Newton
You really DON'T understand, do you? Katherine isn't trying to
scare you away. She's trying to put some A-1 steak sauce on you.
- Richard Smith
Nah. Like other parts of scripture, what is meant is of more
import than what is said. - Jim Staal (Promise Keeper)
It's OK to be a christian as long as you don't practice
christianity. - jonny vee
I know a heck of a lot of fossil discoveries that have been covered
up because they put humans and dinosaurs on the earth at the same
time - Chris Biltcliffe [SKEPTIC forum]
gods will never hurt you ethier will god. God saves faithful
live, and watches you rot in
HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 ---- David Napoli
In other words, Ken, Christianity is tailor-made for oppressing
people, installing a rigid hierarchy amongst the populace, and
then quelling any rebellion that might arise. It does this
through the use of fear, misdirection, and outright lying in not
a few instances. It is the perfect control mechanism against
people who are denied intellectual freedom--- and it does quite
a good job of that. - Preston Simpson
People who cover themselves in shit shouldn't complain if
they attract flies. - Steve Quarrella
Try asking yourself: Why? Do it for the first time in your life.
Question what you were taught by rote to believe and weigh that
against the facts that have been shown to you. Show everyone that
you are not a robot and have the capability to look at the facts
and make a sound judgement based on those same facts. - Dan Ceppa
Personally, I vote that there be fines and arrests for consenting
adults if they are not married--heterosexual or otherwise. - Mark Fox
No doubt he would be in a better position that most to know
if the Pope is a great whore or just an average whore. - David Rice
The damn quote of yours has had more second comings here
than a hooker at a Baptist convention. - Marty Leipzig
One of the first thing religious blinders do to a person it to quash
their humor gene. Sarcasm is the first thing that gets flushed down
the baptism font. - God Dan (Dan Ceppa)
Are you aware that you cannot write without typo's? Write to me
without a typo and I will began you education... - Don Ward
'As in 1925, creationists are not battling for religion. They have
been disowned by leading church men of all persuasions, for they
debase religion even more than they misconstrue science. They are
a motley collection to be sure, but their core of practical support
lies with the evangelical right, and creationism is a mere stalking
horse or subsidiary issue in a political program...The enemy is not
fundamentalism; it is intolerance. In this case, the intolerance
is perverse since it masquerades under the 'liberal' rhetoric of
'equal time'.' --- S.J. Gould.
I have less tolerance for pagan women because they seem to
particularly lack respect for men and thereby depart from God
even further than do pagan men. - (Jim Staal, Promise Keeper)
But stupid you forgot to that notes like I said for you dumb
asses too. - Bill Wolff (Fundamentalist Christian)
If Satan does exist then I believe he is Santa Clause. You can
all laugh at me and say I'm crazy, but that's what I believe.
- Kano Vuong
"Hell I'd much rather have a president who remembers how to have
sex than one with Alzheimer's who's letting an astrologer tell
him how the country should be run." -- Judith Bandsma
"The dumb things young [human] males do often result in death.
The dumb ones young [human] females do, in birth." -- Don Martin
Satan usually gives all you little followers money, where
Christians must WORK HARDER to get the same things. - Christian Miller
"The accuracy of radiometric dating is not really critically
dependent of the rate of decay of radioactive substances at all,
anyway." --- Laurie Appleton (Creationist)
"Also, why do the itinerant herdsman of the Eastern Govi Basin
in the Autonomous Republic of Mongolia have absolutely no
concept of the supernatural, deities, sin or any other fanciful
wishings?" --- Marty Leipzig
"This sort of quasischizophrenic Orwellian doublebelieve (one can
scarcely call it 'doublethink' when it lacks the intellectual
horsepower to be considered even a 'singlethink') has long been
fascinating to me. On one hand, you have individuals who can
function (at least, to some degree) in a modern society; yet
possess in the backwaters of their psyche some dark, bizarre cultic
They accept, utilize and benefit from all that modern science has
to offer; yet turn about and condemn it when it treads upon their
pet, and thoroughly unevidenced, beliefs.
Such dichotomy. One wonders if they take their kids to the
veterinarian when they're ill." --- Marty Leipzig
"The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who
refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses
instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly." --
Albert Einstein
Not a good example. Did the ancient Greeks even consider it
a miracle, or simply an act of Thor?
-- William Putnam
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one
fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all
the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss
yours." -- Stephen F. Roberts
Our unanimous affirmance of the Court of Appeals' judgment
concerning 16-1-20.2 makes it unnecessary to comment at length
on the District Court's remarkable conclusion that the Federal
Constitution imposes no obstacle to Alabama's establishment of a
state religion. --- Wallace V. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38 (1985)
Despite their many glaring flaws, I can at least credit the
Roamin' Catholics with having very high academic standards for
their clergy. While they may accept pedophiles, you can be sure
they are literate, educated pedophiles. - J. J. Hitt
"They should now change the name of the game from 'Russian
Roulette' to 'Christian Roulette.'" --- David Rice
"[After the rapture] how are there going to be MORE hate crimes
when all of the Klansmen, neo-Nazis, Southern Baptists and
fag-bashers have gone to heaven?" -- Ed Mills
Show evidence or get fucked. -J. Bandsma
"I piss flaming napalm upon your straw man." -- Curtis Johnson
"We may hope that even the dullest creature can be made to
realize that, in the long run, lies and tyrany cannot triumph."
--- Albert Einstein
"I can't quite get a fix on Fred [Austin]. He's sort of like a
turkey breast sandwich on whitebread with mayo; sort of bland
and nondescript." -- Marty Leipzig
"Yeah, mostly I do this for the lurkers. Debating Appleton is
like fishing with dynamite. After the first few bangs all you
get is dead fish." --- Joe Martin
"Religion deals only with evaluations of human thought and
action: it cannot justifiably speak of facts and relationships
between facts." --- Albert Einstein
"In the more or less two hundred Exorcisms I've done, by far the
majority are possessing dead humans. Ghosts with bad behaviour.
Every once in a while, I'll run into a 'Being of Darkness', and
then that can be a REAL spooky situation!" --- Lani Stucker
"For example Mammoths are just a form of Elephant or perhaps I
should say that Elephants are just a variation of Mammonths!" --
Laurie Appleton
Let's see:
Jim Staal: (by his own admission)
Drug user
Fornicator (with his wife in the cheering section)
"visibly impaired"
Sufferer of digital medical maladies.
Thank God I'm an atheist...
--- Marty Leipzig
[ISA 45:6] That men may know from the rising to the setting of the
sun That there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is
no other, [ISA 45:7] The One forming light and creating darkness,
Causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does
all these.
"[A]ll life started from one common ancestor, something like an
Amoeba and expanded continually to more and more types of life
all the time." --- Laurie Appleton (ex-Creationist)
"What really interests me is whether god has any choice in the
creation of the world." --- Albert Einstein
"In two weeks, the sheeplike masses of any country can be worked
up by the newspapr and TV into such a state of excited fury that
men are prepared to put on uniforms and will and be killed for
the sake of the sordid ends of a few interested parties." ---
Albert Einstein
"A Creationist lawyer - now there's an example of a parasitic
parasite for you." --- Dave Hamilton
"Exactly. Now go to the mirror (if you have the nerve to own one)
and lie to your only supporter." --- Dave Hamilton
Patrick Ford got back to Laurie Appleton
Hi Laurie, On 23 Nov 98 you wrote to me and said:
[personal attacks deleted]
[OOC edited quotes deleted]
[stupid or deliberate misinterpretations of basic physics deleted]
[delberate lies deleted]
Oh dear, there's nothing left to rely to.
"Not everything that counts can be counted; and
not everything that can be counted counts." ---
Albert Einstein
"Myths have their place. Starting one is
something else. Believing in those myths is the
culmination of stupidity." --- God Dan
"Joining $cientology to get you off drugs is
like smoking crack to quit cigarettes."
"If you live in a totalitarian society where the
way you are supposed to think and act is exactly how
you are inclined to think and act, you will not
recognize it as a totalitarian society. You will
feel free." -- de Wolf's Law
"You might as well have no rights as far as
we're concerned." Marty Rathbun, Scientology
"Scientology 1970 is being planned on a
religious organization basis throughout the world.
This will not upset in any way the usual activities
of any organization. It is entirely a matter for
accountants and solicitors." -- L. Ron Hubbard,
HCOPL 29 Oct 1962
"If the earth is old, god is not the Christian
god." -- Kurt Wise, Creationist
"...just because your brain was not one like
Einsteins, that does NOT excuse you for all your
nasty and false comments and acccusations! I will
hold them against you in the 'day of judgement'
unless you have unreservedly and fully
apologised!" -- Laurie Appleton (thinks he's
god) to Karl Schneider
"I am not of the opinion that we should make use
of the concept of God[sic] in striving for a better
world. This, it seems to me, is incompatible with the
integrity of a modern cultured person." ---
Albert Einstein
"And what does it say about scientology, when an 'official'
Scientologist would consider a verbatim quote of Hubbard's
to be a "hate message"?" -- Cap.
"And exactly how wide is your anal orfice from Scientology
If you EVER try to proselytize to me again I will order your demons
to mash your underdeveloped gonads between two rocks! - Joseph Voigt
I upset most xtian type men. I don't know why. I upset their
wives too, but not as badly. That seems to upset the men even
more. Somehow, I would think that the compassionate inquiry about
what emotional trauma destroyed their manhood would be soothing,
rather than upsetting. - Katherine Wintersnight
The first Christians (yes, going back even to the time of Jesus
Christ) were Protestants. - Ken Young [telling us all he knows
about Christianity.]
"My impression of young-earthers, FWIW, is that they are not New
Testament people at all, but rather Old Testament people. Their
God is not a God of mercy and forgivenness and transcendence;
rather, their God is a merciless authoritarian who will send
people to Hell for the slightest infraction. At the risk of
being completely tactless, it is my fervent wish that someday
young-earthers will become Christians." -- Keith Knapp
"The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more
to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a
sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous
quality." --- George Bernard Shaw
...Our passion at the Institute for Creation Research is to see
science return to its rightful God-glorifying position, and see
creation recognized as a strength by the body of Christ;
supporting Scripture, answering questions, satisfying doubts
and removing road blocks to the Gospel. The Institute for
Creation research Graduate School exists to train students in
scientific research and teaching skills, preparing effective
warriors for the faith. We are delighted that you are
considering honing your skills in creation thinking, and trust
that God will lead you...
John D. Morris, Ph.D., President Institute for Creation Research
(How many lies, untruths and deliberate minsinformational quips
can you find in the above passage?)
i've explained this many a time. Noah's family had all of the
genes we no of today and more. The next generation had less and
so on. - Alan Presley
I am referring to the modern branches of science which call God
a liar, and which call His Word a lie. Archeology, paleontology,
and astronomy to name a few. They all claim the Earth and Universe
are billions of years old in direct conflict with the Biblical
record. Between God's Word and man's word, I'll believe God's
Word any day: - Bill Kochman (He's serious, by the way.)
I'd rather have a free mind than be "saved." - Robert Jackson
"What's this brain doing on the sidewalk?"
"Somebody found Jesus and just left it there."
--- Dave Hamilton
"The very thought that hanging 'the 10 Commandments' on school
walls will have any impact on school violence (Littleton and
other school shootings seeming to be the impetus for this bill)
or on national morality is so laughable as to nearly send me
rolling, but the thought that separation of church and state
could be attempted to be destroyed so blithely makes me want to
go out in my back yard and scream.
"Suffice it to say... I'm in a state of bemused horror." --
Steve Kemp
"All it takes is one asshole with a gun or a bomb to ruin a
culture of virtually any size, unless people face reality in the
here-and-now and realize that freedom must be defended against
those who WILL remove it from us. I'd like it to be sunny and
warm every day too but I've seen enough of reality to realize it
ain't gonna be so. So I own a raincoat." --- Dave Hamilton
"It's also nice to know that Hovind's secretary can always get in
touch with him in case I'm having a creation vs. evolution
EMERGENCY." -- Brad Reddekopp
"I think the issue is to have the Darwinists just admit it
is a theory." -- Jeff Binkley
"Hey, I've mastered the art of levitating birds!" -- John Wilson
"Every Scientologist on the planet praises 'the bridge,' but not one has
crossed over it. Now brother, *that's* brainwashing." -- Gerry Armstrong
"Here's a quarter. Get you brain out of hock and send me back
the 24 cents." -- God Dan