ouchmail asked this question on 5/10/2000:
what are the causes of child abuse?
lakers gave this response on 5/11/2000:
In most cases, people don't try to become bad parents. In many cases, they are people who crossed the line due to stressor and/or lack of coping skills. The experts can only agree that it is caused by a complex interaction of numerous factors. They have put these factors in "risk categories" so people can realize the potential for abuse and take measures to prevent it occurring.
Parents: The parent was physically,sexually or emotionally abused or neglected as a child Teen parenthood Alcohol and/or substance abuse Lack of parenting skills and/or knowledge of child development (unrealistic expectations) Physical or mental illness
Children Most at Risk: Less than 5 years old, and especially under 1 year The child has sever and/or chronic illness or disability The child is highly irritable or demanding ( colicky, hyperactive, etc.)
Family: Delayed attachment or bonding with the parent within the first few days of life, especially due to the infant's prematurity or illness Marital conflict Domestic Violence Employment/Financial Stress Crisis due to stressful events (death in family, recent move, fighting, etc.) Geographic isolation/lack of transportation Lack of social support Large family with several preschool aged children (heavy childcare responsibility) Severe sibling rivalry
Again, there is no one factor that predisposes someone to abuse their children. But if a person has several of these factors in their life, they should be cautious in their use of discipline. Angry, stressed parents often hurt children without meaning to.
Hope this helps.