Anonymous asked this question on 5/1/2000:
I'm seven months pregnant and my boyfriend physically abuses me. he always thinks I'm cheating on him and he get very angry and won't isten to what I have to say and thats when the hitting begins,I want to leave but i think I have already given up. What can i do what do you suggest?
niki6 gave this response on 5/4/2000:
sweetheart...think of your baby,he could kill that baby with one blow, don't give up on yourself or your baby, there are women's shelters, police and people to help, most guys that accuse of cheating usually are the guilty dog... please get away. call a shelter or the police or get a restraining order... i suggest all of the above... if he hits you while you are pregnant, what will he do after the baby is born? you are better than this, it is not your fault and you can leave there are so many options... please find one and get to safety... god bless and if you need anything please ask...i've been there and want to help
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