muscles22@... asked this question on 5/3/2000:
What are the effects of child abuse during and after?
What are some of the laws in the state of California?
What is the best way to deal with child abuse?
Imagine2 gave this response on 5/4/2000:
the consequences of child abuse can be devastating; during and after. In order to cope with abuse children develop a number of strategies. They learn to not communicate, not to feel and not to trust. When they are raised in this situation they have no proper role models from which to learn. They can only participate in life in a dysfunctional way if that is the only way they know...even if the victim appears to have everything together it is very likely that even as adults they are still using their strategies they learned in the abusive situation. Many victims of child abuse have all the symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome. The best way to fight child abuse is by being aware and awake and then having the compassion to try to help in the best way possible...even if that means going to the proper an abused child I was always sure everyone knew and I could never understand why no one "rescued" me....the information you requested on specific California statutes will require a bit of research on my part but I will be back in touch in a day or two with an answer to that part of your inquiry.
Imagine2 gave this follow-up answer on 5/4/2000:
muscles22: have found a website to answer your specific inquiry about California and child abuse. peace....
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