Anonymous asked this question on 5/1/2000:
I'm seven months pregnant and my boyfriend physically abuses me. he always thinks I'm cheating on him and he get very angry and won't isten to what I have to say and thats when the hitting begins,I want to leave but i think I have already given up. What can i do what do you suggest?
Eaglet gave this response on 5/4/2000:
Darlin, you need to get out of that situation, not only for you but for that precious life you are carring!! Don't give up, it is not to late....My aunt was in an abusive relationship for 10 YEARS and five babies later....I was there all ten years, I saw what she went through and what those babies went through, and NO ONE deserves that...You need to get out and get yourself help, and take care of that little one!!!
Is there a womens clinic near you? IF so, go there, they will help, that is their job, but YOU must be willing to leave and to be helped.
CONGRADES on the baby..I wish you both luck!
remember, it isn't to late and YOU DESERVE BETTER!
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