Anonymous asked this question on 5/1/2000:
I'm seven months pregnant and my boyfriend physically abuses me. he always thinks I'm cheating on him and he get very angry and won't isten to what I have to say and thats when the hitting begins,I want to leave but i think I have already given up. What can i do what do you suggest?
wwnelsonfive11 gave this response on 5/1/2000:
I don't want to mince words. This guy is an abuser and you and your child are in danger!! Do you understand? You and your child!
If I were to tell you what a "typical" abuser was, one of the things I would tell you about is that most are very very jealous! Paranoid about the partner having affairs! This is simply due to their own low self-image. He doesn't think he can keep you. He's suspicious of any relationship you have because it is a threat to him. Also, the abuser trys to isolate you from others. This jealousy and the acusations are just one of the ways to keep you from other relationships.
Don't try to help this guy out, and, PLEASE, don't give up! You need to know that you are worth it, and so is your child. You need to protect that child from becoming his next victim!
Please contact your local health and welfare office, an abuse clinic or local social services and get help. Believe me, they can and will help you. Even in the case that you need to get into an women's shelter! It is very important that you get OUT OF THERE right away!
If you would let me know specifically what area, city or town, you are in I can give you some references in your area. Please contact me, either here, or though my e-mail at
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