Sagirl2005 asked this question on 4/27/2000:
I was absused by my ex boyfriend. He would hit,punch,kick me and throw me down stairs. He would tell me things like I dont have anyone but him,and that without him Im no one. For a while I believed this, but I realized that I didnt need him or his abuse. I was also raped by an ex. I was 16 he was 26. I said no,but he pressed harder against me forcing me to cry and rither in pain.I broke up with him two weeks later. We stopped talking for a while,then we hung out one day. It happened again. I'm am scared of being in a relationship,I scared of being touched,kissed,held,because when I think of that it reminds me of him. Can someone please help me?If so please e-mail me
wwnelsonfive11 gave this response on 4/27/2000:
You have had the bad fortune of being with two real bad examples of men. It makes me angry when I hear stories like yours because there are truly some very nice men out there. But these "men" have hurt you badly.
I counsel specifically in sexual abuse cases and I really want you to know that there are answers. But you need to take some steps for yourself. I strongly suggest that you contact a rape Hot-Line in your area and get into a counseling group to learn how to deal with this. I want you to realize that you don't need to continue feeling this way. But, it will take some time. Please give that time to yourself.
I was, also, a victim of sexual abuse when I was a teen-ager and I never thought I could ever get over it. But, with some help, I did, and I have a very nice relationship with my wife now.
My e-mail address is If you would like to let me know what general area you are in I might be able to refer you to a group. Please do this for yourself. You are worth it!
God Bless,
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