huey_vivian asked this question on 4/13/2000:
okay he's my question i left my boyfiend for two weeks stright and then one day me and my friend was in the his car the friends car and he was crying and saying that he would never hit me angain then he left me but he did not want anybody elese he wanted just me in his life but i went back to him the third time around what should i do should i learn to trust him and think things will be okay this time or what?????????????
DoveWingsT gave this response on 4/27/2000:
If you think you are being abused. Feeling sorry for him doesn't change his behavior ... instead:
Learn to recognize the abuse - if it feels scary or controlling, it's abuse. Abuse can be emotional, verbal, sexual, mental or physical. Whatever form it takes, you do not deserve to be treated that way.
Decide what is best for you, set your own limits, stick to them and feel good about taking charge of your life.
Call a friend, family, or counselor you trust. You are not to blame for his behavior. The right person for you could be a friend, parent, school counselor or teacher, doctor, crisis line worker or staff person at a women's shelter. If you have told someone and that person wasn't helpful, keep trying until someone really listens to you.
Join OUR support group. You are not alone.
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