blue_eyes_33 asked this question on 4/25/2000:
I have noticed that since I have been answering mostly private questions my rankings have went way up. How do you think that happened? My point is that I will answer a feww on the question boards but for the most part it will be private.
larrybergen gave this response on 4/25/2000:
funny how that works,isn't it? You may or may not know but the person asking the question has more control over your rating. if they give you a five it would take five people giving you a one in order to bring it down to a four. Since you get private questions other experts can't touch your answers,so you rely on the questioner,solely. This could be good or bad,depending on your "fan" base,for lack of a better term. Someday maybe they'll make it so anyone who rates you will be noted at the bottom of the screen,this would at least insure that you know you're truly being harrassed and by who, or supported. Either way you can return the favor. I'll admit I've given some ones,though I'd really have to disagree with the advice in order to do so. All in all i find it more satisfying to rate someone a five. But it's rare I have the time to read or rate any answers.
Keep up the expert advise,that's the only way to prevail passed the little games.
My best, Larry
The average rating for this answer is 4.6.
blue_eyes_33 rated this answer a 5.
Larry, thanks and I do agree that it would take five experts to bring it down but I know that some of the questions are set up so their friends can rate you so im also careful.
BLUE_EYES_33 (noreen)
p.s. keep up the good work, too!!