Anonymous asked this question on 4/20/2000:
My ex-husband refuses to let me get on with my life. He was emotionally abusive while we were married but became physically abusive after I left. He has seen Dr's and been an out patient a couple of times since we seperated but he still can not accept the fact that I left. He has threatened suicide a couple of times and has stalked, beaten, raped and taped me over the last year. I want his family to get involved and try to help him because I believe that he feels like no one loves him and by his family not getting involved it is just making him more desperate to try to keep me. He wants to be loved more than anything else I think that is why he won't let go. He thinks everyone he ever loved has left him so he thinks he can stop me. Do you know of any programs or ca you suggest what needs done?
brenzx2 gave this response on 4/22/2000:
I have read your story several times today, trying to give you my best. I want to say first, you are in my prayers. You poor thing how much more are you going to take?
You need to get out now, you have done all you can for him. He is going to keep on you until you brake. He is a grown man, he can find help if he wants to.
I don't know what state you live in, so I can't help you in finding resoures for you. I do know that almost every city in every state has emergency hot lines listed in your phone book. I've used them to find shelters,and clinics that offer help.
I know I didn't offer much, my concern is for you, to get away from him now. you are not punching bags, you don't need to live in fear. You need to think of you, and keeping yourself safe. God please get away while you still can. If you can think of anything I can do, please let me know. I live in Mass if that helps.
I'll be thinking of you, and your in my prayers.
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