Help4U1 asked this question on 4/21/2000:
This is Laura May aka Help4U1. As far as this category is concerned I wanted to let you know that I'm only going to be accepting private questions from now on. I'm not going into the whys of it I think we've all had enough of the anger and arguing. Just to state that I will still help but only on a private basis.
Keep up the good work everyone.
ezcutt gave this response on 4/22/2000:
as a new expert in this field, i already see there's a small problem. maybe the experts in the field now can show askme that this is a serous and helpful way to help those who are really in need of the help. i'll try to satisfy the true people who need help.
Help4U1 asked this follow-up question on 4/22/2000:
Hi ezcutt,
Thank you for taking the time to write me, your comments are truly appreciated. What started out as a small problem is growing bigger in other areas also. I have seen your answers and I think you'll do just fine.
I really wish they would have a seperate area just for the experts so they could work their differences out. It doesn't belong in a public forum. You see what is happening in the teenage relationships page now. I have suggested a responsible moderator for this area but I don't know what will happen there.
You're doing a great job in helping people and I wish you continued success here.
Thank you again and good luck.
ezcutt gave this response on 4/22/2000:
well laura,
i must take this time to thank you, for the answers you give and for the courage to stand up and make a statement like you did, hopefully you turned some heads at askme and maybe things mith start to get regulated.
Help4U1 asked this follow-up question on 4/22/2000:
I appreciate what you have said you are a very nice person who whas wonderful insight. I don't know if it's so much courage as I would like to see all the experts pull together to find solutions instead of tearing each other apart.
We have some wonderful people here and if we work together we can solve some of these problems and make this site a place that is helpful and comforting to people who seek help.
If you have any ideas on how something like this could work let me know as when I read your answers I see alot of common sense and knowledge there.
You are a wonderful expert and you do help those who are truly in need. Stay focused on that.
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