Anonymous asked this question on 4/19/2000:
Is it ever o.k. to have someone hit you? I know it is a stupid question but it's like I know certain things are going to piss my boyfriend off but sometimes I feel like I should be able to do whatever I want. I know that if I talk back or cuss at him that he might slap me in my mouth but sometimes I still do it.Does that make since? And the other stupid part is have the time I find myself saying sorry for him hitting me. I'm not stupid, actully I'm a straigt A college student. I even tell myself that I'm not going to do anything to piss him off but sometimes I still do. Don't tell me to get away from him, because I love him and I feel lonely without him but I just want him to treat me better. I want him to stop yelling at me, I don't like being scared of my boyfriend and I hate that almost everyone knows that he has hit me before. But I do not want to loss him. I don't think he would ever hurt me hurt me. Maybe scare me leave a couple of marks but not kill me. I know it sounds stupid but I really do believe it's true. They say you can't change those who don't want to be changed so what can I do to make it right?
Terry44 gave this response on 4/22/2000:
Hi, I was in a abusive relationship when I was like 16 to 20 years old. I even had his child. I never liked being hit and I sometimes couldn't control my own temper with him, I mean I would get so mad at the stuff that he would do that I would yell at him even though I knew he was gonna hit me. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I got out. He hooked up with another woman shortly after and she has stayed with him although he beats the crap out of her on a continuous basis and is a womanizer. I loved him very much but I knew I could never be happy under those conditions and I was right to leave him, like I said he hasn't changed!! The good news is there is plenty of fish in the ocean and you can easily fall in love with someone else that will treat you like you should be treated, with respect. You are wasting your time he is sick and will not change. Get out and get to a counselor.
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