niki6 asked this question on 4/17/2000:
i had asked how to get over, that i felt that he was always lurking in the shadows, i began answering questions on here, i feel like i'm helping but i am also healing faster by talking with others, thank you for the advice, it is getting better and i know he ca't hurt me, thanks for the insiration... now i've just got to get my son help... any suggestions?
AngelRose34 gave this response on 4/18/2000:
Dear niki6,
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I truly think that it would benefit him to see a child physchologist. A counselor that you can trust and that understands the pain that you both have been thru. But I do suggest that you let him go by himself and gradually be added to the counseling yourself. It does help when you get out there and talk about it. I am glad to hear that you have joined us to help. That is great!! But I think you would not do him wrong by letting him vent some of his frustration to someone that can listen to him also. In addition I dont know what your finacial situation is but there are pastors at local churches that can help also. And the guidance counselor at school is a authoritative person as well able to handle such situations and they are sworn to privacy.
I wish you blessings and your son.
Blessings, AngelRose
niki6 asked this follow-up question on 4/18/2000:
he sees a phycitrist, plus a rhab skillsbuilder and a counselor (rehab) the rehab and conselor he sees twice a week, phyc.. once a month, thank you, i'll keep trying ang praying
AngelRose34 gave this response on 4/19/2000:
I will pray for you and him. Just be sure that he has plenty of hugs and reassuring words from you. It is amazing what a hug a da can do for a young man. God Bless!
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