Labugana asked this question on 3/21/2000:
In the last few years I have noticed that men have become abusive towards women. It is not only in one race but in all. What is the explanation of this behavior?
Eaglet gave this response on 4/16/2000:
I think alot of it has to do with society. There is a lack of respect for other human beings, people don't care if they are hurting someone else, as long as they are getting what they want, getting their need met.
There is a lack of knowledge and understanding in the area of abuse. It is still taboo in a lot of places, so people are ashamed or fearful to get help.
Some see women and children as easy targets, that they don't have to worry about because 10 to 1, they will not tell about what is going on. If a child isn't being protected and they haven't been taught about abuse, they become easy prey for abusers. We need to start protected our children, they may become the next victim or the next abuser, unless they get help NOW!
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